New guitar tab - The End of Innocence

Perhaps because not everyone has those programs, or doesn't want to mess around with downloading them. Everyone can open up a .pdf file and read it. Haha, do you have to have it played back to you or something?! You should be grateful that toinouf tabbed the song and was nice enough to share it with us, in any format...
Why do you post a shitass .pdf ???

Couldn't you just post the file from what you made it with (Guitar Pro or something).

A pdf, what a joke.

How about he posts nothing. Would you like that better jackass?

Thanks OP, nice work.
Thanks for those tabs, they seem pretty much what I got too. I like to check my transcriptions to other peoples.
One thing I did notice is timing wise on Dehumanized, in the chorus, it sounds like it's pushed at the start so rather than a 7/8 bar just before the chorus and a 9/8 bar at the end it would be 4/4 all the way through but the first note of the riff would be on the "and" of the 4th beat in the previous bar (the one that used to be 7/8.) Hope that makes sense. Is that what anybody else is hearing?
It's only a minor thing but it would help with getting the phrasing, note wise it seems solid.
One thing I did notice is timing wise on Dehumanized, in the chorus, it sounds like it's pushed at the start so rather than a 7/8 bar just before the chorus and a 9/8 bar at the end it would be 4/4 all the way through but the first note of the riff would be on the "and" of the 4th beat in the previous bar (the one that used to be 7/8.) Hope that makes sense. Is that what anybody else is hearing?

Ha, you're right! Not sure how I could've missed that; I'll fix it when I can. Makes a lot more sense! Thanks for the feedback.
You're very welcome, glad I could help.
I must say there are some cracking riffs in these songs to learn, I'm not up to learning the solos just yet though!