new guitarist needed for hard rock/groove band


Jul 5, 2007
Croydon (south london) UK
wasnt sure were else to put this post, so i'll try and keep it a quick one.
sorry if i babble on, just had a night of trying out new guitarists and have been drinkin a load.


right, our guitarist Max has left our band. This has happened as he has got to that stage as a pro guitarist that he has other highly respected pros paying him lots of money for session work. for instance, he's just joined a band with Jemeriquia's (sp) bassist and is in ibiza playing with another loaded bloke in a few weeks, not only this but he's in a big Queen cover band playing stadium gigs and making shit loads, he simply doesnt have time for an originals band in South London.

so basically, were after a new dude, or bird lol that is killer with a guitar. Were a hard rock/groove type band as you will be able to hear on the myspace.

we have quite a few high profile gigs coming up in the next few months and hope for a tour early next year.

have a listen and get back to me if your interested.

Cheers guys!