New guitarizt!!!!!


New Metal Member
Feb 5, 2004
Well mizter milano like the high priezt in "Indiana Jonez and the Lazt crusade" said "You have chozen wizely". I've had the pleasure of bein great friendz with Jon Aaron n bein in the sickezt "dirtcore" band around
with him for awhile now. He'z a true patriot to are society such like yourself ,and deservez to be hoisted up on our shoulderz. I see great thingz in M.O.D'z future with thiz slinger of sling you've juzt scouted. rock on n i look forward to a sick slumber party up in jersey
:headbang: :Smokin: :headbang: :Smokin: :headbang: :Smokin:
u sure did, n we graduated in 99, and my esp (guitar) tellz me that your a skool teacher n your lazt name beginz with an H. Am i correct? I thought so :OMG: :OMG:
Hey way to go Jon!!

I don't know you, But it's good to see someone from the area
go foward (especially when it's a cool band like M.O.D.)

Anyway GOOD LUCK!!


Lawrence, Mass