New Guy


Doomed Traveler
Sep 30, 2007
Well my name is Craig, and I've been listening to metal for about 2 years. My tastes have been changing a lot within the past year. I first started listening to Korn, Godsmack, Disturbed, and all that Nu-Metal but then gradually shifted to heavier things. Now I currently listen to Slayer, Megadeth, Old-Metallica, Iced Earth, Symphony X, Sabbath, Maiden, Priest, and etc. I like Thrash and Progressive metal mostly. I'm not a fan of Death Metal because of the vocals mostly, I like clean vocals. The band doesn't has to have real clean vocals, I just like understanding what they are saying. I joined to find new bands so you will probably see a post from me in the band recommendations. Any input on new bands, less mainstream then I listen to now, would be greatly appreciated. Thanks