New Halford cd "Made of Metal" ...

Skinny Viking

¯\(°_o)/¯ How do Lydian?
Oct 10, 2007
Fucking SUCKS

I'm SO goddamn disappointed ... like 13 bullshit, lame tunes + 1 AWESOME song (The Mower) which just happens to be the last song

I mean seriously, this is pretty lame. Some of the WORST lyrics I've ever heard from the guy, super kitschy melodies and a pretty bland performance from Rob for the most part. Some cool moments here and there but they're few and far between

"The Mower" fucking KILLS though ... also the only tune where he actually goes for the high notes and he sounds awesome still

anyway, my thoughts

new Labrie disc is still awesome though

new Bad Religion is a little weaker than I was expecting but still solid enough

waitin on Star One, Helloween, Virgin Steele and Amorphis
Ya very dissapointed with this. But we did get Resurrection and War of Words and Screaming for Vengeance out of this man so I can never talk badly. But he is getting up there in years man, and I really think not having Pat in the band this time around was a big part of not having that "vibe" from Resurrection and The Crucible.
I wanted to order the thing, then saw the video for the title track and now I'll do the same as with Nostradamus: pretend it never happened.

"Made of metal it's a NASCAR dream"? Seriously? Ouch...