New I Am Abomination tune


you boyz been to mexico?
Jul 1, 2009
Just heard the new I Am Abomination tune. It definitely has some great potential. Anyone else diggin it?

Not digging the mix... and one thing that bothers me about the song is that it is just so busy...there are constantly like 2-3 melodic ideas going on at the same time throughout the entire song, random shred solos during melodic riffs and vocals. Too much at once, making the song sound kind of messy and incohesive. Just my opinion though. I did love where you took that solo at 1:25!
I guess it's mainly the guitar tone that stands out as...atypical to me, sounds kinda djent-esque in that almost phasey-sounding scooped way (and also with the pretty subdued lows), which I do think leaves a bit of a hole in the mids - but it also opens up more room for the pretty awesome vocals, which I am DEFINITELY preferring over the Fall Out Boy-esque stuff I've heard prior. And the guitar playing is of course top notch!
I guess it's mainly the guitar tone that stands out as...atypical to me, sounds kinda djent-esque in that almost phasey-sounding scooped way (and also with the pretty subdued lows), which I do think leaves a bit of a hole in the mids - but it also opens up more room for the pretty awesome vocals, which I am DEFINITELY preferring over the Fall Out Boy-esque stuff I've heard prior. And the guitar playing is of course top notch!

Making room for the vox was key for me. Mabye I could have extracted a bit less midrange.
Not digging the mix... and one thing that bothers me about the song is that it is just so busy...there are constantly like 2-3 melodic ideas going on at the same time throughout the entire song, random shred solos during melodic riffs and vocals. Too much at once, making the song sound kind of messy and incohesive. Just my opinion though. I did love where you took that solo at 1:25!

That is exactly how I felt after listening to it a couple times through. There are not concrete markers that tell you "This is the chorus" or that the pre chorus is coming up. Usually drum changes or a fill will do that but there is a very similar drum pattern throughout the song so its hard to discern the parts.
I enjoy the mix personally, I have consulted with alot of like minded friends as well and no one had a bad thing to say.

did you track/mix the band? I thought I remembered you tracking the last EP but I can't remember.
I am noticing something very weird going on in the sub-bass... on some notes, the low end is full and present, and on others it just completely disappears. Very strange listening to this on a sub, as half the song feels empty.
nice, dig the song. the mix is also quite good, but it somehow lacks balls... still very good!
I am noticing something very weird going on in the sub-bass... on some notes, the low end is full and present, and on others it just completely disappears. Very strange listening to this on a sub, as half the song feels empty.

The bass is programmed and hi-passed in the mid range
What you are hearing are the four separate sine wave octaves that i programmed.
Some of the lower octaves had a tendency to rape my master bus compressor so I had to sacrifice and do some automation.
Some of the notes were just stacking with the other frequencies in the mix and had to be turned down at times.
Nick this is something I'm currently struggling with, but how are you balancing your improvement with production/engineering and your guitar playing all at once. I find I get stuck too much into one for like two weeks and then losing chops on the other. You're improving at both quite consistently at the same time, kudos!