New I Am Abomination tune

Well, I guess the easiest way to put it is that I treat both things as my job.
My production career probably takes a bit of priority because at the moment it is what pays my bills. Another thing is that my job as a producer/engineer requires me to play guitar most of the time, so they go hand in hand.
No reason to make a new thread about this but check it out!

Just out of curiosity, but is there a reason you guys switched from having an outside producer to self producing the albums? It would seem to me that having an objective opinion from someone who is familiar with your music and also sees your vision could bring some good stuff to the table. I assume the low record advances have a lot to do with bands decisions to go the DIY route.
Im rather bummed that you guys don't dig the mix :(
But i'll take the criticism constructively and keep all these things in mind in my future work.
Thanks you guys!
Just out of curiosity, but is there a reason you guys switched from having an outside producer to self producing the albums? It would seem to me that having an objective opinion from someone who is familiar with your music and also sees your vision could bring some good stuff to the table. I assume the low record advances have a lot to do with bands decisions to go the DIY route.

We have absolutely no funding for outside production. I like being self-sufficient, but I do think it would be cool to have outside input. I consult with other guys in the industry alot and they give me their two cents.
Thanks guys!
We are doing everything completely diy from here on out. I think we need to reach out to a different fanbase though, the scene kids didn't really take to our music. I think avenged sevenfold/trivium/bfmv fans would like our stuff.
Nick maybe this isn't the place to ask but my band and your band have played together a few times we've even let you guys (back when you had the skinny dude with glasses playing guitar for you on tour) sleep over chill and use the shower and stuff.
We're with you on the no label, music>image thing you got going and we could use each other to reach a bigger fan base while promoting the same ideals.
How would you feel about a you promote us, we promote you kinda thing to get this revolution going? I'm feeling a few more bands especially bands from this forum should be involved in this as well!
Email me at
I think you're doing a great job, dude. The mix sounds good to me. Sounds like you wanted really cutting guitars and drums, which I completely understand as I'm always wanting everything to cut through as clearly as possible. I think adding a little more bass in the guitars and drums would make for a thicker sounding mix that some people seem to be wanting. Overall though, it's still well balanced and pleasing sounding to me.... sick guitar playing too, of course.

What are the guitars? Dimarzio evo7 pickups + TS + 5150 + mesa cab?

Have you considered adding a real bassist if they could keep up with the level of musicianship of the guitars?
We have absolutely no funding for outside production. I like being self-sufficient, but I do think it would be cool to have outside input. I consult with other guys in the industry alot and they give me their two cents.

I figured. The budgets bands get now are next to nothing so it almost forces them to do everything themselves. That is cool that you have some other people out there giving their two cents. Keep up the good work man!