New Images and happenings

Seems like Trav

No Such Thing
Nov 7, 2001
32.71 N / 117.16 W
5.23.02 gallery has been updated with 4 images form the "Forgiving Eden" CD by A Triggering Myth.
A handful of other projects are in the finisging stages and will be on display soon. A few are for some more favorites of mine and some have let me stretch my wings a little in some new ways. Also I am no loger actively involved in the Violent Messiahs Comic Book. Possibly another cover or two in the near future but that's about it for that. More info and images as they happen.

haha, you have your own message board, thats wacktastic! Nightingale is about done (cover and back atleast), I'll have to send you some previews as you helped me out considerably. rock on, man.

By the way, screw the critics, I have never had an original idea in all of the web sites I have done, Picaso once said that greatest art is the betterment of a good idea taken from elsewhere.
hey man, the new stuff rocks. it has a very different kind of feel to it. its more subtle than a lot of the other stuff. very cool. kind of like one of Opeth's softer songs, if ya know what i mean.

are you working on anything new for Nevermore yet? can ya hit me with a sneak preview. comoncomon i'll be yer friend. :spin:

oh and do you need some pics of anything, i got some cool pics of some sharks and fish and harleys on my honeymoon. let me know if i can help ya. along with all my other junk you know about.
Hey you's guys!!! Thanks spawn and red. how have you been? Hiya rex! Sure, i'm still up for a photo trade and might have a few things to offer in return. we should email to talk about it. no thumbs are necessary at this point. I'll be asking you about a few things. No news on nevermore. I talked to Van last week, he didn't have an answer. If i am doing it, i don't know that I am.
Ive the same as usual, and yourself? :D

If Nevermore dont let you do their album cover, ill chain myself naked to their rehearsal room door until they do, Dead Hearts art was simply *amazing*, and after I read the story behind the DNB art, im sure Nevermore isnt meant to have any other artist!
(From what I know they havent even finished writing the album, so theres still plenty of time).
Holy shit!!! It must be said, Travis...your artwork is incredibly amazing! The best cover arts I have seen....I'm speechless. Words cannot possibly describe. Now, why have I not seen these earlier I will never know....

These are all done by "paint", correct? I'm just curious, your style is so unique and very beautifully textured...cannot find the right words to desribe it. Anyway, that's enough of my rambling....

Awesome stuff!!! Just awesome!