New Imagika Disc...


AKA Pooch - Mark
Sep 15, 2001
Sunnyvale, California
Luckily for me, Henry decided to bring the pre mix version of the new disc with him on our ski trip this past weekend. I'll make this short because I know these type of posts can piss off some anxious fans. I'll just say the disc sounds amazing, and all the performances are excellent. I can't wait to hear the final mix! Btw, I'm going to start calling Norm "The Intimidator" because he does some incredible howls on this disc that would make a banshee blush. Great job, man! So far, my favorite tunes are "Back To The Beginning" (awesome opening to this song), "Vigilante", "Evil Is Rising", "Voice Of Prejudice", and "Devils On Both Sides", but I like every song on the disc. See you all on Friday! :headbang: