New Intense Wallpaper!

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But why hasn't Neil got any trousers on? I know drummers aren't the brightest of musicians but I think he knows how to get dressed by now.

Belinda x
I am above this sort of ridiculous conversation. Obviously they are a kind of flesh-y coloured trouser. You're all just being silly. Stop it. I find it difficult to share these boards with such intellectually repressed peons. So there.
Dear dear, people... Have you ever even *BEEN* to an Intense show?? Neil is quite clearly wearing his ubiquitous cut-offs / shorts, as befits the one member of the band who hides at the back and stamps his legs a lot - and thus for whom comfort and, er, "ventilation" are more important than any sartorial considerations...
Oh I see. They're short shorts then? More akin to 'hot-pants'? Or lederhosen? snigger....
id like to see Neil with a pair of hot-pants on......*cough* fact i'd pay good money to see that :D

If this is indeed the case, then put your money where your mouth is, Cavegirl, and send the prerequisite amount to Intense HQ. I'm not above wearing strange outfits for personal financial gain. Heaven knows it'd beat working a day job! The fee features a figure with at least 4 digits to the left of the decimal point.

And I'm perfectly capable of stamping my legs at the front of the stage too, if I were allowed anywhere near it by the string-wielding types...
I wonder how much interest Hannah would generate by offering to pose in leather hot-pants? How short of cash are you Han??

Nick - please can you give Neil some nice black trousers so we no longer have to speculate on the state of his undress. And it's jolly chilly at the moment. Ta.

Belinda x
I've got a tenner so far..someone want to lend me £990?? :)

on a little sub note, kind of related to the thread :yuk: i have lots of hot Intense Wallpapers if anyone wants any, you know where I am...
hmmm...sure id pay £1k to see u play with Hoff style hot you take personal cheques?? :D

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Yes. But no costume changes will occur until the cheque clears and the funds are in my account. If you've only got a tenner you've got some way to go before I have to squeeze into any tight fitting hosery. Perhaps see what a whip-round at the next Intense show can raise? Although I'm struggling to think of anyone else who'd like to see me in said attire and would be willing to contribute...
haha well..i work in a charity call center, ive been trained in getting people to part with their hard earned cash.. :yuk:

..and if need be ill flutter my eye lashes and get the guys paying too..

Hhmmm, don't think you should be too quick to raise the cash Han. I have it on good authority that Neil's knees have a strange affect on women...:loco: