new interest in Guns N' Roses


With the recent Gst Hts disc I have an interest in Guns N' Roses.
I picked up the Illusion Dvd's from their satellite show from Japan.
These fuckers were on fire, it's a shame, they put out two records & "poof"
gone. They were brilliant, I don't know who's idea it was to put the damn whistle on Paradise City, but I can't imagine the song without that little something. I reading where the label has fronted Axl 13 Million dollars to use toward the recording of Chinese something or other. Can you imagine how many records they'd have to sell just to break even?! That's unreal.
I've got those Illusion videos on VHS. They are pretty cool. How many times does Axl wanna change costume in one show though? Hahahha! He changes about 4 times just during Civil War!
Trixxi Trash said:
I've got those Illusion videos on VHS. They are pretty cool. How many times does Axl wanna change costume in one show though? Hahahha! He changes about 4 times just during Civil War!
I know what you mean, it's like "Am I watching GnR or a fuckin' Cher concert?!" Total pussification on Axl's part...
I actually picked up the Welcome to the Videos DVD @ Wally World today,
I haven't ever seen half of these videos on there. Or maybe I chose to forget them?! Who the hell knows?
Axl was the coolest thing around during the Appetite For Destruction era. An ultimate bad boy hard rock frontman. Great attitude, great look, great moves, great voice....

Then by Use Your Illusion you just looked at him and thought "What a cock head". The fact that somebody could think they look good coming out in those fucking velvet hot pants things and then change clothes 100 times (always into something even gayer than the last outfit) is just disturbing. He really had a huge ego coz he must've thought he could get away with anything and people would love it. Maybe at the time he could, but looking back he just looks like a dickhead who lost the plot.
Axl is/was the Howard Hughes of rock n roll. The only difference in Axl and Kurt Cobain is that he hasn't offed himself....YET... Now, I love GNR and back in the day they were my favorite band...but Axl suffers from the same thing Cobain did and that's the "I'm so famous and rich but I hate my life" syndrome. I have no respect for those who make millions only to piss and moan their lives away. Axl spends a decade on an album that STILL isn't out...hell, maybe HE should have joined Van Halen since he works at about the same pace as "the noses" (thanks, Sixxswine).
It's really funny reading in The Dirt how back in the early days he rocked up at a party that Motley were hosting and was really shy at the time haha. Then they let the girl he was with in and shut the door in his face hahaha! Hard to imagine Axl being shy these days hey?