New Interview


in a vicious circle
Jan 22, 2006
There is a new interview with Blakkheim at

Blakkheim answers a question whether there is any Tool influence on the album.
Interviewer: I’ve never heard all the A Perfect Circle and Tool references that people make to your music, but with this album, I understand now, especially in “Follower” and “In the White.” What do you think about fans comparing you to those bands?
Blakkheim: It means they have listened, grasped it and have a good ear. We do have Tool influences, probably more than A Perfect Circle although ironically they probably sound closer to us musically. I will never be offended of being compared to great bands and I will never be ashamed of being upfront with what’s influential. I sense too many bands see the ‘run and hide’ sign as soon as an influence question comes up. I wonder what they have to hide.

I guess that answers some of the questions from a previous thread.
I can't say I hear any Opeth...
In the interview Blakkheim says that they want tour the US but can't. That really sucks for the people over here. I am lucky that I will be seeing them again in Istanbul this summer :)