New Iron Maiden


May 5, 2005
I'm going to get that record tonight. Local record store starts selling it at midnight and i'm going to buy it right away. I hope it is great. :headbang:
I can't say I got into the first single like I got into "Wasted Years," "Aces High" or the classic stuff, but I liked it. Reminded me a lot of the Somewhere In Time-era Maiden, in terms of writing style.
I've been listening to an advance copy. Not much departure from the last two. I wasn't expecting Number of the Beast Part Two or another Powerslave, but it hasn't grabbed me like old albums used to. It's not that it's a bad album, certainly 99.9999% better than most stuff being released these days, and a definate must if you are a Maiden fan, but nothing that really stands out and gets me excited.

The Somwhere in Time comparison isn't far off, but for me, that was one of their weakest albums to come out in the 80's.
nafnikufesin said:
I've been listening to an advance copy. Not much departure from the last two. I wasn't expecting Number of the Beast Part Two or another Powerslave, but it hasn't grabbed me like old albums used to. It's not that it's a bad album, certainly 99.9999% better than most stuff being released these days, and a definate must if you are a Maiden fan, but nothing that really stands out and gets me excited.

The Somwhere in Time comparison isn't far off, but for me, that was one of their weakest albums to come out in the 80's.
Im gonna have to agree with you there. all the songs so far have been ok, but nothing extraordinary. its just basic maiden songs.

and yes, SIT is their weakest 80s album
JohnThrax said:
and yes, SIT is their weakest 80s album

Really? I love that album - maybe because that's the one that turned me into a Maiden fan. Of course, I can understand your view - anything coming after Powerslave and Live After Death was going to be held up for close comparison.

I happened to think Seventh Son... was their weakest. (I know, blasphemy...)
I agree with the comments on SIT being weak. I just got it about 6 years ago after reading several positive reviews, but I never really liked it that much.
But I'm certainly not knocking those who enjoy it.
I'm not saying SIT is a bad album. I still enjoy it, but it certainly doesn't get as much play as other albums from that era. It's true it was a let down as a studio followup to Powerslave, and it has grown on me over time, but when I put it up against any other album they put out in the 80's, it doesn't compete. That said, it's all a matter of personal opinion, and I completely understand how an album that first gets you into the band holds a special place in your heart (it's that same reason that I think AC/DC's Fly on the Wall is a completely underrated album :kickass: )

IMO Seventh Son was the last great Iron Maiden album to come out. They've have a lot of good ones, but that was the last great one.
dailyvault said:
I happened to think Seventh Son... was their weakest. (I know, blasphemy...)
That was the album that made me a fan. But that doesn't nessesarily make it their best work.
I listened it and I must say that i'm very impressed. Lots of great songs. Lord of Light and The Longest Day are best songs so far.
nafnikufesin said:
(it's that same reason that I think AC/DC's Fly on the Wall is a completely underrated album :kickass: )

Is it me, or did the overall sound of Fly On The Wall improve when it went to CD? The record sounded like Brian Johnson recorded his vocals in the toilet, but the CD shows just how good those songs really were. :headbang:

I'm probably one of the few individuals out there who love both this album and Blow Up Your Video - they actually took some chances with the songwriting on that one.
Is it me, or did the overall sound of Fly On The Wall improve when it went to CD? The record sounded like Brian Johnson recorded his vocals in the toilet, but the CD shows just how good those songs really were.

I'm probably one of the few individuals out there who love both this album and Blow Up Your Video - they actually took some chances with the songwriting on that one.

interesting. i may have to pick up the fly on the wall cd. i never bought it because the mix on the album was so terrible. it did sound like brians vocal mic was placed down the hallway some where.

mr vault mr deepest appologies. i left your cd at my label office to be mailed monday and went i stopped by thursday it was still there . i have personally mailed it and if you pm me your email. i'll send you an mp3 of misery shows to hold you over. very sorry.
I've actually got two copies of Fly On The Wall on CD (as well as one on cassette). The original CD wasn't much better than the cassette, especially if you played it on shuffle and compared it to other CD's quality. But I picked up the remastered version a year or so ago and WOW what an impressive improvement in quality. Sink The Pink is one of my favorite songs of theirs.
I got a copy of the new Maiden last night, at first listen I didn't think too much about it, but I've been listening to it for quite awhile today and it is pretty damn fucking good. Anyone going to see them live?? I got tix to see them in October here in Chicago, can't wait. I think the last time I saw them was Seventh Son Of A Seventh Son tour, long time.
I love Somewhere in Time; Powerslave has some classics, but I love every song of Somewhere in Time. I can't say the same about Powerslave, even though the title track is one of the best heavy metal songs of all time. 7th Son is their best. Awesome from start to finish.
karrokid said:
interesting. i may have to pick up the fly on the wall cd. i never bought it because the mix on the album was so terrible. it did sound like brians vocal mic was placed down the hallway some where.

mr vault mr deepest appologies. i left your cd at my label office to be mailed monday and went i stopped by thursday it was still there . i have personally mailed it and if you pm me your email. i'll send you an mp3 of misery shows to hold you over. very sorry.

No sweat. I've waited this long, I can wait a little longer. I really do appreciate it.

Label office? Safe to say you work in the music industry?
Drokk said:
I love Somewhere in Time; Powerslave has some classics, but I love every song of Somewhere in Time. I can't say the same about Powerslave, even though the title track is one of the best heavy metal songs of all time. 7th Son is their best. Awesome from start to finish.
I love how you can listen to any individual track from 7th son on its own, and its a great song by itself...but then you play the entire album from start to finish, how it tells a story, and it is pretty amazing.

(However, song for song, I still like Powerslave better, personally)