New Italian extreme metal act

>You REALLY don't like Flash, do you?

I bloody hate flash! ;)

It's good for artsy fartsy intros and splash screens, commercial kitsch and cartoons. If you want a website that's any of usable, clean, fast to load and widely accessible, flash is bad.

Not to mention I don't have a flash-capable browser and refuse to get one.
Originally posted by Protocol
>You REALLY don't like Flash, do you?

I bloody hate flash! ;)

It's good for artsy fartsy intros and splash screens, commercial kitsch and cartoons. If you want a website that's any of usable, clean, fast to load and widely accessible, flash is bad.

Not to mention I don't have a flash-capable browser and refuse to get one.

Well to help Luddites like yourself a static Elitist site is on it's way :)
