New item smell


Rainbow Demon
Nov 18, 2001
Shoikan Grove
Anyone else have the habbit of smelling new products and savoring that, new product smell?

When I opened my DVD player on christmas, among other things I found myself liking the new electronics scent that came from the packaging. I notice that I tend to do that subconsciously.

(This thread has been nominated for the "most silly topic" award)
I can't say that I've actively thought of this - but damn it, you're right.

Of course, that new car smell is just it for new smells. But yes - take that new stereo component out of the box, and it smells almost as good as it sounds (well, maybe for just a moment:) )
i bought the album The Knowing, i love the smell of it. unlike any other cd. kinda like sweet paint i think. not sure. the album change my life. just buy it and you won't regret. i'm trying to keep the smell stay there for as long as possible.
Mmmmm, there's nothing like the smell of plastic from a new item. Smelling it is almost as fun as popping the bubble wrap the protects it.

Is there something special about this cd that makes it smell, or does it just seem to smell good? :err:

I am completely bored and gonna go to sleep. *sigh*
it's the material it made of i think. how can you want to go to sleep because you're bored. it's hard for me to fall asleep while not listening to music.
:lol: I remember the smell of my After Forever album, and for some reason I remember the smell of this old computer game I had called Coaster.
I know the smell of my Roller Coaster Tycoon game cd. It's very unique. Nice and........I dunno ........Roller-Coaster-Tycoonish.
well i may be weird but i also like to see the empty box of whatever ive just purchased. Just leave it lying round for a few days just to keep that 'new toy' feeling! For example i just recieved a CD burner yesterday and ive still got the box sitting next to me, makes me remember when i was staring at them in shops and wishing i had one, so now i stare and suddenly realise i do have one and i get all excited again! :) :lol: :loco:
you know, there are several products on the market to make your car smell like a new one! really! you just spray that stuff in, and if you close your eyes you really think it's new! i like it.
there's also product that make your car shiny, smooth, resistant to 2000 degree heat and acid. they show it on tv a while ago
yea my car is still pretty new since i got it on halloween. i love that damn new car smell. i was watching the news one time and they actually said the new car smell is bad for your health. well then let me die!! :loco:
Originally posted by leadfoot256
I catch myself smelling things in the middle of stores sometimes:lol: .....i love the smell of new books as well.
The musty smell of old books (like from a library), on the other hand, is ungodly.
Originally posted by YaYoGakk
well i may be weird but i also like to see the empty box of whatever ive just purchased. Just leave it lying round for a few days just to keep that 'new toy' feeling! For example i just recieved a CD burner yesterday and ive still got the box sitting next to me, makes me remember when i was staring at them in shops and wishing i had one, so now i stare and suddenly realise i do have one and i get all excited again! :) :lol: :loco:

I also have the box for my new CD burner sitting in my room. I can't wait to get back to it. My brother called me and said my new computer speakers came in the other day. So, now I can let that box sit around for a few days before I decide to dispose of it. I think the empty boxes just give me a sense of accomplishment like I have done something special. :err: It's mainly just because I am too lazy to put up the boxes. :D