New iTunes update slowing your computer?


Sep 19, 2008
Wheaton, IL
I posted this on my facebook, but I was wondering if any of you are experiencing a similar problem as I am. I got the new version of iTunes earlier this week and since, my computer has been hating me as it runs VERRRRRRRYYYYYY SLOW!!!!! I've heard in the past that people say iTunes slows their computer way down, but honestly I haven't had much issues with it until now. Anyone else having a major issue with it since the latest update?
I never like iTunes, either. My experience with iTunes is that you can never trust a program that whenever you go into Windows Task Manager and go into the services tab and physically end the entire process and watch it restart itself 10 seconds later, how the hell can you trust that? Plus iTunes can be a big resource hog. I quit using it after a month, I use my Winamp to load my iPod. I get music from a host of other reatailers, pleanty of other options to iTunes
I shall look into these other alternatives if this slowness continues. I just used it as it was easy and honestly, never had any problems until this past week.
Got the same update, and it hasn't affected my computer at all. But then I did do a total shutdown and restart, as i do when i get updates no matter what they are.
I run iTunes 7.0.1 and I don't have any issues.
You can install get the previous versions from
I noticed that the DL is 35mb while 8.0 is 74 mb. What the hell could they do to it that would require a setup program to be over twice the size?
Got the same update, and it hasn't affected my computer at all. But then I did do a total shutdown and restart, as i do when i get updates no matter what they are.

Interesting. Yeah, I did a total shutdown as well. I guess my computer just didn't like this new update. :lol:
Whatever it is it cannot be as bad as Zune. The program is horrible. Also I dropped my zune and now it plays one song and stops so I have to manually change to the next song. Lame!

The next mp3 player I buy will be an ipod. I have the iphone so I put some stuff on that and had no issues.
NEVER fix something when it's not broken is the key to updating your software folks, programs are always being upgraded for faster machines, if yours isn't one of those, it's a mistake to think it's going to make it better ; )

Good point! I always check the notes about what's being done in the new update. At the cusp of the next Mac OS, I don't automatically update anything until I upgrade.