New James LaBrie record, mixed and mastered by J. Bogren


Dopefish lives!
Jul 18, 2006
DREAM THEATER singer James LaBrie's new solo album, "Static Impulse", will be released on September 28 via InsideOut Music. The CD marks LaBrie's first solo effort in over five years and is sure to please his legion of diehard fans, as well as win over many new devotees in the process.

Mixed and mastered by Jens Borgen (OPETH, KATATONIA), "Static Impulse" features LaBrie's longtime songwriting partner and keyboardist Matt Guillory; Peter Wildoer from Swedish thrashers DARKANE on drums and screaming vocals; Marco Sfogli on guitar; and Ray Riendeau (HALFORD) on bass.

Commented LaBrie: "The release of 'Static Impulse' is one that the whole band is psyched about.

"This is modern metal and as heavy and relevant as any other band out there going in a similar musical direction. There are riffs that will blow your head off and melodies both musically and vocally that are hypnotic.

"Get in the driver's seat and let the ears bleed.

"Enjoy and see you out there with a tour to follow up and support this release."

Added Guillory: "One year and two months in the making and we're finally done.

"I'm really pleased with the way this record came out. James sounds fantastic, as well as the rest of the guys. Without a doubt, it's our heaviest record thus far yet at the same time, it's also our most melodic. I can't wait for everyone to hear it."

In addition to DREAM THEATER's numerous studio and live releases, LaBrie has also appeared on recordings by FATES WARNING, REDEMPTION, FRAMESHIFT and AYREON, as well as tribute albums to RUSH, EMERSON LAKE & PALMER and QUEEN.

For more information, visit

LaBrie's last solo album, "Elements of Persuasion", was released in 2005 InsideOut Music. The CD featured a special guest appearance by fellow Canadian Kim Mitchell (MAX WEBSTER). Engineering chores were handled by James' old WINTER ROSE bandmate Richard Chycki who has done work for the likes of AEROSMITH, RUSH, and the JEFF HEALEY BAND.

I really liked "Elements Of Persuasion", didn't expect it to be such a hard record. Looking forward to what Jens comes up with. Don't expect anything but a stellar sounding record.

But isn't James one of the most disliked singers in metal? I mean, even significant parts of the DT crowd can't really stand him... and the band wanted to give him the boot too before.
I quite enjoyed Elements of Persuasion as well. It was very much like a Dream Theater album, but more commercialized (kinda like Falling Into Infinity, but much heavier).

This new album mainly has me excited for Marco Sfogli, who has got to be one of the most underrated guitarists out there. And to find out Jens Bogren is behind the mixing board puts a big smile on my face. (and a big boner in my pants)

Yea, James isn't my favorite singer by a long shot, but I quite like him on most DT songs. I just hate it when he gets too aggressive with his voice. Some of the stuff on the newer DT albums is almost laughable. (e.g. "Dark Eternal Night") Although I liked the old-school growl he put on his vocals on albums like Awake. But that may be out of his arsenal at this point...:D

Can't wait for the album. Thanks for the update!
really weeeaaak that this press release doesn't at all mention my old buddy, and client, Matt Guillory... who wrote most of the music and half of the lyrics on this album.
For those curious about guitar gear, according to Marco Sfogli, the leads, cleans and layers are Axe-Fx. The rhythm is a Powerball and Rectifier.
Have another look, James! ;)

aaahhh nice... yeah, i didn't read it thoroughly enough, and jumped the gun.

Matt is a great keyboardist, and songwriter... i've known him since he was a kid. he used to be really gullible... so of course we called him "Gullible Guillory"... used to love to just make up crazy stories and tell them to him straight-faced... and he'd shocked by the details and say, "reeeaally?"

the answer was always "no", lol.. but he was never sure until we'd say it.

very good guy, and i'm happy for him, can't wait to get this CD!
I love DT. LaBrie with DT it is hit and miss. Sometimes amazing, other times, not so much. But I really do like LaBrie with all of his solo projects. Maybe it is because the music is more singer friendly and fits his note choices vs. DT is all about sweet parts and more the instrument.

Really though LaBrie is a GREAT singer. Having played with singers in the same vein, haven't heard one yet be able to cover his stuff at all. It is like really nailing a cover of DT. Most guys get close, but not perfect. Also even great singers I hear on albums are horrible live, bad timing, overshoot, undershoot, flat or sharp, unable to hold notes. Ugh.. especially locals. LaBrie, he may not be able to hit the really high notes from Images and Words, but he nails his notes and delivers appropriately.

Oh and many of the growls and stuff on the latest albums I am pretty sure are Portnoy and some of Petrucci. Those guys should definitely NOT sing or have any vocal parts at all. They just sound ridiculous to me and live, also terrible.
Interesting, never knew he had a new album coming.
Probably will get it to hear how the production sounds at least
Love how it's called a James LaBrie "solo album," when he probably had the least amount of creative input on the entire thing
I only liked one song of his first solo. LaBrie is the weakest link on Dream Theater music. I was listening to the album Notes On A Dream by Jordan Rudess and the DT ballads are gorgeous on piano without LaBrie´s voice.