New James LaBrie record, mixed and mastered by J. Bogren

I love James LaBrie but I totally agree with what people say about his singing in Dream Theater. He's the perfect singer for Images and Words type stuff, but he doesn't get to make his own choices on lyrics and vocals, and these days Portnoy and Petrucci just want him to be James Hetfield, which doesn't work for him. Live, he seems to think people want him to yell and hit high notes all the time, which he can't really do anymore (but in the old days, it was wondrous - see fig 1). When he steps back, he can do beautiful things (see fig 2). Still, this is a pretty sweet song and I'm looking forward to picking up this album. It's interesting to hear him paired up with a screamer.

Also: fuck yeah, Marco Sfogli. Massive Petrucci wannabe, but incredibly talented player.

Fig 1: Metropolis, Live at the Marquee (circa 93)
Fig 2: Vacant
Whatever you think of LaBrie's voice, I think the most horrible thing in current Dream Theater is the rapping/random shouting of words by Portnoy. Those ruin the songs completely. :Puke:
If Labrie where to sound like he did on the first 2 albums, or like he did on Metropolis and Six degrees then i would be so happy, he's one of my biggest inspiration when it comes to singing. But nowdays he sounds soooo bad. I cant imagine how you can ruin your voice that much.

Hope this is a good one though!!!
As long as he doesn't try to hit high notes I find his voice bearable. What's really annoying are the screaming vocals on this new song. I hope there aren't any more on the rest of the album.
Thanks for the link Kazrog.

The screaming vocals totally caught me with my pants down, haha. Didn't expect that from a project with Labrie. And the riffing is pretty sick! This record is gonna punch babies!
WOW, just gave it a listen.... I enjoyed EoP a lot and I'm sure the new album is gonna be great, listening to the first song!!
This is the cover:


I think the song is pretty cool. Mix is heavy, especially the guitars and the general ambience give me a Bogren vibe.

That whole thing would probably be better off with another name, like the Mullmuzzler thing, but I guess the better selling name goes over individual egos here.
My cousin tracked this album(Johan Örnborg @ Studio Mega)! :)
Anyways, sounds really good, it was much better then what i had expected of a solo-album.
Sounds really cool! Solid song. Props to Matt Gulliory with the arangement

I really enjoyed elements as well (I think that was the last one) Mangini's grooves are off the hook on that album.

Sounds better than I thought it would! I love the screaming. The trouble with a lot of the new DT stuff is that they have parts heavy enough for screaming, but never approach the vocals appropriately for those sections (In my opinion) so this is actually much better than that.