New Jon Oliva album news!


PQ member
Jan 8, 2002
Southampton, UK
JON OLIVA'S PAIN's new album will be entitled Festival and is due for a worldwide release through AFM Records on February 19th, 2010. A European tour is in planning for March / April.

The band is also gearing up for the release of a live DVD consisting of music from JOP's four albums and a healthy dose
of SAVATAGE classics.

Jon Oliva's Pain drummer / producer Chris Kinder recently issued the following update:

"Word up Legion! Update time....

Oliva is currently in Iowa to assist in programming the TSO light show... is there anything this guy can't do??

JO (Jon Oliva / SAVATAGE) has completed vocal tracking on a few songs with many additional trial runs now on tape. When he returns next week, he will finalize all his lead tracks and then we head on into massive, massive back-up singing. Oliva just never knows when to leave a good thing alone...hehe!

It is once again awe-inspiring to witness pure genius and power when it come to JO's vocal tracks and his songwriting. Part of the staple JOP sound has become his ability to change characters and voices at will and to create incredibly interesting, thought provoking, passionate and down-right insane vocal melodies. Tom Morris and I have been pushing him to the edge (as JO requested), and we have met that challenge with great enthusiasm and also a bit of joy watching him suffer....

Oliva's tenacious attitude, drive and full desire to do the best he can is only partially over-shadowed by the seemingly impossible task of singing songs that would require most of us to swallow mass consumptions of razor-blades in order to deliver what would be considered as torture to any metal music lover. We are all stoked to say the least, and proud of his commitment to giving all of you...all he has!

Laporte and Tom McDyne will finish things up this week. The string sections are almost complete as well. Matt, Kevin, myself, Oliva and guest singer Todd Latorre (CRIMSON GLORY) will dive into back up singing next week. From there it's final reviews and begin mixing in early November. We will deliver the record on-time to AFM for our 2010 release.

Special thanks to Howard Helm, who has once again stepped in to lay down his amazing piano and keyboard tracks. Howard also played on Global Warning.

Also appearing on this CD will be the great Casey Grillo (supreme drummer of KAMELOT and an all around great guy). I am privileged to call him my friend and welcome his contributions to the record. Casey will be helping to fill our need for a war-time drum corp section for the song 'Death Rides A Black Horse'. Thank you Casey!

We once again thank you for the great support and pure enthusiasm for the next CD. So far, so good....we are all very happy with our progress to date!

Cheers peeps!"
JON OLIVA'S PAIN, featuring SAVATAGE mastermind Jon Oliva, have confirmed Friday, March 19th as the filming date for their upcoming live DVD at the 013 in Tilburg, Holland. Tickets are now on sale through the 013 website and box-office. The band's European tour schedule will be confirmed

Oliva comments: "This DVD is going to kick ass, and something that I have been looking forward to for many, many years. With the release of our new album in February and the vast back-catalog of Savatage material, we will have plenty of material to fill a 2 + hour show. The band is great form and my voice is so ready for this. We're going to capture a great show with all the pyro, bells and whistles we can put on stage, and of course we will need all of you there to make it an over the top success. AFM will release the DVD during our summer festival tour beginning with our return to the infamous Graspop Festival in Belgium. Crank up the new CD and we will see you on tour!"

Jon Oliva's Pain is finalizing the mix for their fourth studio release, entitled Festival, due to be released by AFM records worldwide on February 19th, 2010.