New Kamelot - Silverthorn

Yeah, your right, A band has never hired a singer that sounds like an old one: Ripper sounded nothing like Halford. And Journey's Arnel sounds nothing like Perry.

I have been a SW fan for about 6 years and know Tommy's voice very well. He is easily one of my favorite vocalists. It is so easy to hear that they are going for a Roy kinda vibe at times and that is okay to an extent cause one could say it's a kamelot vibe and not a roy vibe. But I say, let Tommy sing as Tommy.

I dont know what other bands do I speak only in case of Kamelots situation. It's the sound of the band. I think he mixes his own style with the bands style very well. I dont want him to turn it into SW. His approach on his new job is how it should be for me.
I dont know what other bands do I speak only in case of Kamelots situation. It's the sound of the band. I think he mixes his own style with the bands style very well. I dont want him to turn it into SW. His approach on his new job is how it should be for me.

When the sound of a band stops being dependent on who the members are, it's not a band anymore, it's a brand.

This just supports the argument that Tommy is trying to emulate Roy, and I don't see how it can be reasonably denied that it's happening. Tommy just received inspiration to dye his hair black, dress differently, and imitate all of Roy's stage mannerisms from deep within his soul overnight? I know you're affiliated with a fanpage, but come on.
I gave Silverhorn a quick spin. First let me say, I'm not at all a fan of Seventh Wonder, and consequently, I'm not at all familiar with Tommy's vocals. My first question to a friend who is a Seventh Wonder fan was, "Does Tommy sound just like Khan in general or is he just putting that on for Kamelot?" Regardless, the disc is bland, paint my numbers Kamelot, with songwriting that is weaker than what I've come to expect from the band.
the disc is bland, paint my numbers Kamelot, with songwriting that is weaker than what I've come to expect from the band.

Gotta say I agree with this from what I've heard.

Don't get me wrong, the CD has been ordered, but Sacrimony sounds very bland to me. I can't even watch the video.

But, I'm hoping my thoughts will change once I get a full album. Hoping.
Did you hear the last Iced Earth cd?
This actually raises a fairly interesting question... why do Tommy and Stu's performances sound similar to their respective predecessors? Were they actively coached to sing that way? Was it more subtle than that? Are the melodies written in such a way that simply engenders such a style? Or did they (feeling the pressure of replacing big names) try not to rock the boat by simply blending in and mimicking their style?
This actually raises a fairly interesting question... why do Tommy and Stu's performances sound similar to their respective predecessors? Were they actively coached to sing that way? Was it more subtle than that? Are the melodies written in such a way that simply engenders such a style? Or did they (feeling the pressure of replacing big names) try not to rock the boat by simply blending in and mimicking their style?

It has to be coached in order to keep the "brand" as intact as it can be. I never once while listening to a Seventh Wonder CD thought, Tommy sounds like Roy. You can not deny that he is going for that style to some degree. Having said that, he does at times inject his own style and maybe overtime as the brand evolves we will hear less Roy. My problem with Kamelot over the last few albums has been the songs / melodies and not the vocals. Having said that, I am such a huge Tommy fan boy and his voice alone elevates the likability factor. I don't think from what I have heard that this will be a great Kamelot cd, but it will be more enjoyable for me with Tommy in it vs. Roy.

Edit: 3/29/13......I was wrong, this is a great Kamelot CD.
It has to be coached in order to keep the "brand" as intact as it can be. I never once while listening to a Seventh Wonder CD thought, Tommy sounds like Roy. You can not deny that he is going for that style to some degree.
It will be interesting to hear what Thomas and Tommy say about it in interviews. I'd be curious to know how much Tommy was pushed to sound like Roy.

My problem with Kamelot over the last few albums has been the songs / melodies and not the vocals.
Agreed. The problem here is not the similarity to Khan. The problem is that Kamelot is rehashing covered ground.
It will be interesting to hear what Thomas and Tommy say about it in interviews. I'd be curious to know how much Tommy was pushed to sound like Roy.

He has already. He said he wrote the songs before Tommy joined the band, and the songs were written to fit Kamelot, not whoever the singer would be. However, Tommy did write most (if not all) of the vocal lines.

I think what people don't realize is that Tommy's lower register is a lot similar than Roy's. You wouldn't really get much of that from Seventh Wonder. I'm sure they're trying to make it a smooth transition, so while I don't think they specifically told him to imitate Roy, they didn't want him to sing so differently (as how he does in Seventh Wonder).
Like I mentioned above, the "song for Jolle" is an example of a song where I do not think Tommy sounds like Roy. I think he sounds like Tommy. I hope over time they will fade away from the Roy vibe. Although I completely understand why they do it.
Pretty much echoing sentiments about Tommy - when I heard Sacrimony I was shocked how much it sounded like Roy Khan was singing during parts of the verses. I am a massive Seventh Wonder fan, Tommy is one of my favourite vocalists, and when he was announced as the singer of Kamelot I couldn't really imagine him sounding like Roy - boy was I wrong.

Having said that, the music was already written, the similarities to Roy are most pronounced in certain low register parts, and there are plenty if parts that he doesn't sound much like him. It makes sense that the first album with a new singer is used as an opportunity to prove that the new singer can still do the type of stuff the one before did. Hopefully in the future, with them writing new music with Tommy in mind, people will definitely not see him as a copycat, although I don't expect or think it's a good idea for him to be completely different to Kamelot's usual style.

My favourite vocal performances that I've heard (and probably my favourite songs) are Veritas and Song For Jolee. Veritas isn't really like anything he's done with Seventh Wonder, but I don't really think it sounds like Khan either. Some other great vocal moments that are perhaps like Seventh Wonder are the chorus in Ashes To Ashes and the accoustic guitar part of Prodigal Son.

That is "Welcome Home" the bonus track of the Sacrimony Single that was an exclusive to Sweden Rock Magazine. Very nice song. :)

Damn... I'd love for there to be a way to get a hold of this, as from the sample it sounds great.
He has already. He said he wrote the songs before Tommy joined the band, and the songs were written to fit Kamelot, not whoever the singer would be. However, Tommy did write most (if not all) of the vocal lines.

I think what people don't realize is that Tommy's lower register is a lot similar than Roy's. You wouldn't really get much of that from Seventh Wonder. I'm sure they're trying to make it a smooth transition, so while I don't think they specifically told him to imitate Roy, they didn't want him to sing so differently (as how he does in Seventh Wonder).

I've always felt that Khan and Tommy had a similar lower register, but Tommy does let his own vocal style shine through on a lot of the material on Silverthorn. Song for Jolee has a "Tears for a Father" or "One Last Goodbye" Seventh Wonder vibe and totally different from anything Kamelot has ever done with Roy