New Killswitch Engange - Fucking Bad Ass!

perfect mix, everything is so fucking present but still absolutely balanced out, holy mixing skills batman!

oh, btw...the last KSE album was kinda meh but this could be really nice.
Have Andy really mixed this 100% Sounds very Adam D mix, at least sample wise. Sounds good though.
And people are so funny, just because it's not Howard people are OMG this is so awesome, but to me it soundsjust like the old
KSE, with gay choruses and heavy verses. But personally, i like it. Atleast the new-old guy sounds good on record :D
I love the song, but since when did metalcore (or whatever this genre is called these days) start sounding like Def Leppard in the chorus? Don't get me wrong, I think it's great (never was a KSE fan), but this whole track has a major 80s metal vibe on it.
Dem vocals....... dem darn vocals! God damn. Prop to Andy, and to Jesse too! I was super worried about how this was going to turn out.. But here we are, best Killswitch stuff I've heard since AOJB! \m/ nice!
Don't care for the music but I dig the production and especially Mike D'Antonio's tone.
to me it soundsjust like the old
KSE, with gay choruses and heavy verses.

I guess I'm the only one who really doesn't like it.

To me, it's nothing new. Great mix, though!

EDIT: Listened through it again. Really not impressed (musically). Boring and re-hashed KSE stuff, in my opinion.

Guess I should shut my mouth before the flaming commences.
I guess I'm the only one who really doesn't like it.

To me, it's nothing new. Great mix, though!

EDIT: Listened through it again. Really not impressed (musically). Boring and re-hashed KSE stuff, in my opinion.

Guess I should shut my mouth before the flaming commences.

I'm with you on this one. I've always been of the mindset that a great sounding mix is not enough to make boring music interesting. I'm afraid this KSE song does nothing for me.

As always, individual mileage may vary ;)
Meh, I'm not looking for them to reinvent the wheel to be honest. It's still more original than all the "core" bands who tried to copy the Killswitch sound and couldn't get any futher than "play a breakdown on open C"

Killswitch have their own sound and I'm just glad to hear more of it :)
I love the mix, the guitars don't sound too Sneapy or Adam D either but I absolutely love how they sound. dat bass
Somebody here said the guitars were by Adam D and Sneap reamped a few riffs and match eq:ed them to match Adam's tones.

I actually feel like this might be a good album.
Meh, I'm not looking for them to reinvent the wheel to be honest. It's still more original than all the "core" bands who tried to copy the Killswitch sound and couldn't get any futher than "play a breakdown on open C"

Killswitch have their own sound and I'm just glad to hear more of it :)

I'm not looking for them to reinvent the wheel either and it's not that I dislike KSE, I just think this is a boring song. My compliment would be it does indeed "sound" great, but nothing about it makes it standout as one of their better tracks when looking back over their entire catalog.

Like you - I'm happy to hear more music from KSE, I just hope more of the album is more memorable as a whole than this song seems to not be for me. I'm hoping that other songs have greater repeat listening interest than this one is representative of - it's just "meh" as you state.

As always IMMV.