New Lamb of God video


Pizzicato Heartstrings
Alright, I just watched the new LoG video "Redneck" and it was pretty cool. First off, it's got that trademark LoG sound to it, so we can be assured that the new album will probably be full of songs just like it. Secondly, there are parts in the song where it sounds like Randy is channeling Phil Anselmo, which I didn't really like at first but it grew on me and it doesn't sound too bad. Overall, the song was about a 8.5/10, same old LoG formula but kick-ass nonetheless. Anyone else have anything to say about it?

P.S. Randy shaved his head. Crazy.
I'm waiting for the album since a bit, Redneck sounds pretty cool. Final judgement in a few days.

Anyway, the video could be more cool if not so "anti-puritanical-american-principles"
But all fuse plays is faggity ass wus shit! ex,Reliant K,MCR,Hawthorne Heights.
But your right those reality shows are Uber gheyness. Head Bangers Ball isnt near as good as it used to be. Like everytime I watch it they are playing shit like Underoath and As I Lay Dying. I remember a while back I was seeing Dimmu Borgir and Kreator. God only knows what happend
They wanted to increase their mainstream acceptance. One of these days, I want to create my own metal show. I'll call it: Metalhead's Delight. I will play music videos by bands that are underappreciated and actually metal, as well as give lectures on different kinds of metal and types of metal-related trivia. Maybe I should write a book about it. :headbang:
Authentic Metalhead said:
Alright, I just watched the new LoG video "Redneck" and it was pretty cool. First off, it's got that trademark LoG sound to it, so we can be assured that the new album will probably be full of songs just like it. Secondly, there are parts in the song where it sounds like Randy is channeling Phil Anselmo, which I didn't really like at first but it grew on me and it doesn't sound too bad. Overall, the song was about a 8.5/10, same old LoG formula but kick-ass nonetheless. Anyone else have anything to say about it?

P.S. Randy shaved his head. Crazy.
get the fuck out of COB Off Topic
Dehumanizer_06 said:
Oh boy where to start...Neo-classically influenced black metal with a hint of trash. But in reality Im not really sure.

lol trash

Yer Reckneck pwns. Their other new songs is pretty good too but I like this one more. As I've said, music videos don't do anything for me but I watched it last week ot of boredom.
Authentic Metalhead said:
@ Warheart: Actually, I thought the video was a little comical, even if it isn't hilarious.

@ Dehumanizer_06: Sounds good enough. Is your vocalist actually good? Because there seems to be a lot of sub-par black metal vocalists these days. Norway just don't crank 'em out like it used to. :cry:
I am the vocalist. People compare my black metal voice to Shagrath and Immortals vocalist. Those same people say my clean voice is like bruce dickinson. I think its an honor to be compared to them guys. I play guitar too. heres a link of me playing just to give you a hint of what we sound like. It aint much though. Just a solo
Thats my dark starlings account by the way ,youll see a video. Ive been playing for two years
Authentic Metalhead said:
Same video I saw elsewhere, I rather enjoy it. Could you possibly make a video of your growling?
Thanx. I was at a freinds house but Ill do one ASAP. Dont know what Ill sing though. Maybe i might post some originals:headbang:
Depends on how soon we get some recordings done. But if not Ill try to make a video of just me.