New Live Music nights at the Pit and Pendulum in Nottingham


PQ member
Jan 8, 2002
Southampton, UK
Bit of promotion here for Ebony B, who is going to be promoting a couple of new live music nights at the Pit and Pendulum in Nottingham. Read on......

I have been appointed the new promoter for live band nights at the Pit and Pendulum in Nottingham, and for all those of you that have graced me with interviews/music tracks/t-shirts/time-of-day in the past, then this is my chance to try and repay you by offering you a slot on one of my live act nights.

From Thursday the 1st December I am holding a live acts night, weekly, that starts from 9pm and will carry on through till 11:30pm/12 midnight, I ideally need 3 bands per night to play a full electric set of between 30-40min length with ample time between bands for changeover.

The venue has its own PA system, monitors, vocal and drum mics, mic stands and sound desk. If you have your own sound tech you are welcome to bring them along, if not we have an in-house sound technician that would be happy to take direction from you.

You would need to bring; instruments, drum-kit breakables, etc. We kindly request the headline band to provide the drum kit minus breakables and the backline (cabs minus heads, bass amp) - this will be discussed on an individual night basis with all performers.

The venue has no problem with you bringing merchandise to sell on the night, a corner and table will be provided for you to sell from and no percentage will be taken from any sales by either myself or the venue.

There is a dedicated loading area from the pedestrian side of the venue and parking on the night for your vehicle. We also intend on NOT charging a fee on the door unlike every other venue in Nottingham, so no need for favouritism on guest-lists.

I have been given a budget by the venue and all payments will come through me NOT the venue, so effectively I will be hiring you and not the venue. For the first few weeks the budget is very limited, so I am looking for bands that are local to start with until the night proves popular then the budget will increase. I will ensure that there are drinks for each band and I will cover part or all of your fuel costs (budget pending). At this time I cannot promise much more than this so please don't ask me for a 'fee' as I won't be able to provide one at these early stages.

If you would like to participate or know of a band that would, please feel free to pass this invite on to them or ask them to get in touch with me at or ask them to message me on Facebook.

Any band agreeing to perform will be guaranteed advertisement of the gig via the venues usual outlets and via social networking sites from the venue and through myself. Any advertisement direct from yourselves would be strongly encouraged to try and make this night as popular as possible.

If you are able to make either the 1st, 8th or 15th of December for a gig please let me know as soon as possible, the sooner we know about the gig the sooner we can start to advertise it.

I am also hosting an acoustic night of a similar vein at the same venue starting Sunday 4th December, so if any of you are wanting to do acoustic rather than electric sets, then please let me know.

There is no fixed genre - any type of music is welcome (At my discretion).

Thanks for your time guys! Hope to be chatting to you all soon x
Sounds like the first night of live music at the Pit and Pendulum went really well. This coming Thursday, December 8th, sees the second night taking place. Hopefully there will be a good turn out once again :)

Yeah Colin, it is a pretty cool place. I've only been there the once, had the pleasure of checking it out after Firefest in October.
My spies tell me that it was a fantastic night at the Pit last night....great crowd and great bands! Awesome! Props to the promoter for putting on such cool night :) Skeletal Damage went down particularly well apparently
Our friends Airstryke are going to be headlining the night on February 16th.......any bands who fall into the glam/hard rock category from the Derby/Nottingham area who may be interested in playing please let me know or contact the promoter via Twitter @ebony_b_1