new live SODOM due out!!!!!


May 20, 2002
Rhode Island, USA
Visit site
Europe: July 28th, USA: August 12th


Disc I:
  1. Among The Weirdcong
  2. The Vice Of Killing
  3. Der Wachturm
  4. The Saw Is The Law
  5. Blasphemer
  6. Sodomized
  7. Remember The Fallen
  8. I Am The War
  9. Eat Me!
  10. Masquerade In Blood
  11. M-16
  12. Agent Orange
  13. Outbreak OF Evil
  1. Sodomy & Lust
  2. Napalm In The Morning
  3. Fuck The Police
  4. Tombstone
  5. Witching Metal
  6. The Enemy Inside (New Track)
  7. Die Stumme Ursel
  8. Ausgebombt
  9. Code Red
  10. Ace Of Spades
  11. Stalinhagel
SODOM's 1989 album "Agent Orange" turned out to be the first German thrash release hitting the country's charts. And as of yet, the band has gained a platinum award for over one million copies sold, influenced countless thrash, death and black metal spin-offs and shredded virtually every fricking stage on this planet. With just one exception. One little spot in Southeast Asia had unintentionally been spared so far: Bangkok, the Eastern jewel, known for its myriads of tuk-tuks and promiscuous travelling middle class businessmen rather than for a music scene of long-haired fans proudly wearing uniforms of sleeveless denim jackets strewn with patches expressing their positive attitude towards life.But even the inhabitants of this unspoilt Eden came to a point where it was no longer possible to escape SODOM's acoustic inferno: the band's musical excretions, persistently preserved (and plagiarized) on vinyl, chromium dioxide and polycarbonate, reached Thailand to be traded on the metropolitan street markets. But due to the lack of wealthy punters, concerts and comparable mass events are exceptions in the land of strip bars and tasty calcium-rich insect dishes. Most major acts still avoid touring the country just as vampires would spare all-catholic kebab stands. Known to be renowned philanthropists, TOM ANGELRIPPER, BERNEMANN and BOBBY ventured out to Bangkok in summer 2001 to alter that deplorable state. Originally planned as a short stay with only one listening session for the press to promote their latest record "M-16", the guys decided to put in a show for the masses - and to support the city's underpaid chiropractors by letting the whole town bang. Under the paternal guidance of MANNI EISENBLÄTTER, famous adventurer, travel courier, Asian tour manager and MC in persona, the band soon spotted Rockpub (Bangkok's oasis of tough sounds) as a suitable venue. The sold out show was packed with 500 guests rushing in from all over Asia - a triumphant success despite a few technical limitations like high-voltage power lines being carelessly put together by standard household connectors. Given the local tropical climate, that exuberant experience easily outdid a sauna ménage with Heidi Klum, Pamela Anderson and Claudia Schiffer. When it came to making SODOM's third live cut (succeeding "Mortal Way Of Life" and "Marooned"), the guys wanted to go back to basics. Instead of recording at a major festival or other reputable events like stamp-collectors' fairs, minstrel shows and oktoberfests, where the audience prefers to hang out at the bar waiting for the headliner to hit the stage, SODOM wanted a place where true Sodomaniacs would yearn for them: be it Stoke-on-Trent, Wichita, or... Bangkok. The crew bought another set of tickets to Thailand, this time opting for the decidedly larger Hollywood club to cut the live recording - and once more had to face some familiar problems: the outdated Thai equipment fully demanded the acclaimed skills of roadie COLLIN ALLTREE, a man whose way of DIY would make MacGyver blush with shame. The drum kit oscillated in all the colours of the rainbow (obviously the entire local music community had donated bits of equipment), and the spare guitars and were more than just rarities. All mikes provided free electrotherapies for everyone who dared touching them. Since the airline had refused to check in his van-sized recording mobile for hand-luggage, producer HARRIS JOHNS had to grab his binary recording tool (lovingly called "Mac"). Also, as fate struck him, he was forced to repair the mixing desk that suffered from the high humidity and doubled as live mixer during the gig. But all's well that ends well, so here they are at last - SODOM the way they were and always will be: loud, raw, brutal, unadulterated and fuckin' hardcore. From first to last note, from opener to encore, from dusk till dawn. ONE NIGHT IN BANGKOK.

Yeah, in my mind SODOM can not be beaten. No one else has stood the test of time as they have. Im really looking forward to hearing this record, especially the
M-16 tracks live. That album was so fucking superb!
I cant imagine they will top it with the next release.
We just gotta get them to come to North America!