New Lunaris album, Cyclic


The 13th Monkey
Feb 12, 2002
Golden State
This is just a cut-n-paste from another thread on this forum. I just wanted to make a new thread for it so it looks more like news than an after thought.

When I was wandering around searching for some evidence of my Viking ancestry in Oslo after the tracking of the Vintersorg album, The Focusing Blur, the guitarist from Lunaris found me dazed in front of the train station. He took me down to the Spiral Architect/Boknagar/Lunaris dungeon/practice room/studio. Somehow my bass got plugged in to the console and somehow I played bass as a one-song-guest on their album, Cyclic. The song is called I.A.D. and features the vocals of Maztema, who is also the singer of Spiral Architect and bassist/vocalist for Manitou. He plays fretless bass on the album as well as M, the guitarist of the band, playing some bass lines on there too. My Norse rhythmic counter part, Asgeir guests on another song, When It Ends. The album should be out on March 15th. I really dig their new stuff, the black metal elements are not so dominant on this batch of songs like was the vibe I got from their first album. They are way more progressive in an aggressive/brutal appeal. Anyway, good bunch of guys, good batch of songs - check into it.
Happy new year Steve!

Dazed or not, you really ripped it up on that track :) It was a great pleasure having you involved, and we really appreciate it. Hope the night in the dungeon didn't leave any permanent scars :grin:
