New Maggot


New Metal Member
Feb 19, 2005
Hey people,

Desperately looking for a Metal forum, I found you guys! I really look forward to being here for a while. I love Slipknot, Black Label Society, Metallica, Pantera, and lots more metal. Besides Metal I love to play Counter-Strike, paintball and work with PCs. Thats basically me!
Slipknots for people who havent discovered real metal yet. They are okay in small doses, but they arent doing anything guitar or drum wise that thousands of death metal and black metal bands havent done fifty times better. And vocally not anything that any metal band hasnt already done.
Welcome to the forum. Maybe youll learn something being here. yeah Im being an asshole. Go listen to some Borknagar or Behemoth.
Slipknots for people who havent discovered real metal yet. They are okay in small doses, but they arent doing anything guitar or drum wise that thousands of death metal and black metal bands havent done fifty times better. And vocally not anything that any metal band hasnt already done.
Welcome to the forum. Maybe youll learn something being here. yeah Im being an asshole. Go listen to some Borknagar or Behemoth.

They ARE kind of a gateway band. They always talk about death/black metal bands in their interviews, which I'm sure inspires some kids to go and check out stuff from say, immolation or morbid angel, which is a good thing. I became kind of a fan of theirs when I was already into such things, though, so I don't know. I wouldn't say I'm a die-hard fan, but I've seen them live twice, once when they were first starting out and once on last year's ozzfest, and they put on a fun show. I gained alot of respect for them after one particular incident.
They were scheduled to play a show here in 99, and the asshole venue owner(who also owned a music store next door)oversold the tickets, so the fire marshall had to come in and start telling people to leave. Slipknot threw down their instruments and walked offstage, promising to come back at a later date to a different venue.
Anyway, they were using the music store as a dressing room. When they left, the owner discovered all kinds of shit missing, signed guitars, signed pink floyd posters, and all kinds of cd's! Lol. I took alot of pleasure in this because this guy had screwed me and a friend over. He had promised to get us in free to this festival a band(friends of ours) he was managing was playing at, with Cypress Hill, Godsmack(At the time I really hated them, they were just really starting out and I thought they were a blatant AIC ripoff, I can tolerate them somewhat now. I didn't watch their set), armored saint and a bunch of others, for some local radio station. So anyway, we followed him up there on a 2 hour drive, behind the band's trailer because his taillights weren't working, and he didn't want to get pulled over. So we get there, and he doesn't have parking passes for us. He's like, "sorry, can't help you."
So I drive back to the front gate and bluff security into thinking I'm with one of the bands, asking where in the hell my parking pass was, I hadn't recieved one yet, and they actually fell for it and got me one. I drive backstage where he's at, park, and he's like, "Where did you get that? Can you get some more?" I go, "Sorry, can't help you!" I thought it was one of my finer moments. Lol. I got to sit on a lawn chair backstage drinking beer watching the bands play.