New Mammoth song, please bash it!

I think it sounds great. I'm really looking forward to the finished song with vocals. The only thing I didn't like about it was the synth at the beginning. The type of sound you chose didn't really fit the song imo. Everything else sounds awesome though!
The song is great! You can add a little brightness in the drums and choose a synth with more body, more fat. And I really like the guitar sound! Congratulations! :rock::kickass:
Sounds good :)

I think it's lacking in the low end, especially the bass guitar. The hihat and it's panning are annoying, to me at least. You could brighten the whole mix up a bit, but lower the hihat.

I like the acoustic guitars.
Great song! I like the synth theme although I think it would fit better with some distortion/bitcrusher kind of effect...
Thanks a lot for the input, those are all good points and I will definitely look into them!

The drums are Addictive Drums with Sneap's kick, snare and tom samples. There's a little bit of verb and a parallel compressor (I think I used the Bomb Factory BF76 here). The parallel compressor bus has a LPF at around 1KHz to just beefen things up a bit.

The rhythm guitars are mostly quad tracked. I used Revalver MKIII's 5150 model to Voxengo Boogex. I used the TSS as a boost before MKIII. The 100% L & R tracks used WildHades' Sperimental impulses and for the 80% panned guitars I used one of the Recabinet Ghandi impulses from the demo. The leads I think were the Solo C plugin with Guitarhack's impulses, but I'm not completely certain about that. I'll redo them when I get the Rockmaster.

The aoustic guitars were recorded with a cheap Takamine my friend has (he also played the parts) and a cheap Samson C03 LDC mic. The strings were really dead so there's not much clarity in the tone, but it ended up fitting ok in the mix.

For the bass I used my LTD B-155 5-string. It's heavily compressed and divided to two tracks: one with the clean signal and one with the Sansamp plugin and hi/lo-passed at about 700Hz and 2KHz. Still have to work on the tone, though, since I'm not that happy with it.

Go ahead and ask if you guys have any further questions! :)
Hey Jarkko, the sounds pretty cool dude - the snare is horridly boxy though, could definitely use some serious cutting between 200-400 Hz (and a bit more snap/crack, but I think the cut will pretty much do the trick) and the kick could come up in volume IMO. The guitars are a bit low in the mix IMO, and also could use a bit more presence/bite (and there's no mistaking those dry Revalver mids :erk: A slight cut at 1k would help IMO!). Also, the hi-hat is pretty cheesy sounding, very thin and monotonous - attenuating some of the highs and dropping it in volume slightly oughta fix that though! Acoustics sound good, though a bit too much bass IMO, a low-shelf cut would help there (and a boost for some sparkle would be nice as well), and are the drums still AD in that part? Oh yeah, and the bass definitely needs to be louder and/or fuller in the lows IMO!

Sweet music also! :rock:
Oh, and I agree about the synth not quite fitting, but it doesn't bother me as is! (which isn't to say it couldn't be improved, though ;))
Again, thanks for the feedback, much appreciated!

I got back to it with fresh ears, and completely agree with you. Especially with the snare, it was horrible :) Here's a new mix: - The last sons of a dead planet 2.mp3

The overall tone could still be brighter, and the rhythm guitars could maybe come up a bit more, but to my ears it sounds a lot better already. Cheers!

And Metaltastic, the outro drums are Sneap toms and four different banks of percussions from the Miroslav Philharmonik.
Hi there!
I was quite suprised when I found you and Mammoth here. I found your stuff from some ages ago and liked a lot! :lol:
This sounds awesome too! Only thing is that synth in the beginning, which sounds littlebit wrong in my ear. Good stuff! Liked the ending a lot.
Guitars sound way too scooped now. D:
Snare could use some reverb too IMO.