Thanks a lot for the input, those are all good points and I will definitely look into them!
The drums are Addictive Drums with Sneap's kick, snare and tom samples. There's a little bit of verb and a parallel compressor (I think I used the Bomb Factory BF76 here). The parallel compressor bus has a LPF at around 1KHz to just beefen things up a bit.
The rhythm guitars are mostly quad tracked. I used Revalver MKIII's 5150 model to Voxengo Boogex. I used the TSS as a boost before MKIII. The 100% L & R tracks used WildHades' Sperimental impulses and for the 80% panned guitars I used one of the Recabinet Ghandi impulses from the demo. The leads I think were the Solo C plugin with Guitarhack's impulses, but I'm not completely certain about that. I'll redo them when I get the Rockmaster.
The aoustic guitars were recorded with a cheap Takamine my friend has (he also played the parts) and a cheap Samson C03 LDC mic. The strings were really dead so there's not much clarity in the tone, but it ended up fitting ok in the mix.
For the bass I used my LTD B-155 5-string. It's heavily compressed and divided to two tracks: one with the clean signal and one with the Sansamp plugin and hi/lo-passed at about 700Hz and 2KHz. Still have to work on the tone, though, since I'm not that happy with it.
Go ahead and ask if you guys have any further questions!