New Marshall YJM100 Yngwie Malmsteen Signature Head

About 75% of the world doesnt play downtuned / 7 string / core-ish metal. If you cant get an idea of what an amp sounds like from the demo above then your nuts.

As for it doing modern metal tones. I bet it does them quite nicely actually. That boost section on the back along with the power attenuation will give you more then enough gain.

As for the guy who demoed the video he is actually quite good, and his hands produce a nice tone. Hes is one hell of a player.

If they didnt charge a gabillion dollars for these sig amps I would buy them. Marshall isnt going to sell many of these or the slash model at all. Such a shame. Great sounding amps.

I don't doubt the guy can play well, but come on man, the points brought up in this thread was that the hope was we'd get someone that could.......well, actually show the potential of this amp.
It's the Yngwie amp, so why the fuck are getting the guy that should be doing the demo for the Slash amp doing this demo instead?
I don't want to hear Slash/Jimmy Page licks for the 10000000th time when clearly it would have been far more appropriate to have gotten a proper virtuoso guitarist to show off some cool shred licks and some good metal rhythms in E standard.

As I said, I think it will be great for those 70s hard rock/metal style riffs that Yngwie is known for, and of course Black Sabbath and Judas Priest style stuff. And come on man, I think we should know by now that gain is hardly the determining factor in how well an amp will do modern, down tuned, technical metal (or just any style which has fast paced riffing that needs a tight, articulate amp), which is the point I'm disputing.
If gain was all you needed, then my mate's Roland Cube 30 should surely sound awesome if you put an SM57 in front of it, but it's just going to sound like dogshit.

If someone can get this amp and give me a clip with this kind of music without it flubbing out and sounding fart-tastic with the low B string tuned to Bb, then I'll take back what I said just said then.
But until I've proven otherwise, I sincerely doubt this amp is going to do Decapitated, Allegaeon or Meshuggah any time soon.

They have this same guy demo all their amps so its not just a random blues rock guy they found somewhere. Quite like the amp by the way. A shame that it will probably cost me more than it will in the states. And I live down the road from the factory...

Again, as I said, you cannot seriously say with a straight face this guy is the appropriate person to be demoing this amp.
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Heh, no you couldn't get that sound from a roland cube.

But, any 100 watt tube amp with plenty of gain can. Stick a tube screamer in front of that marshall, crank the level and tone and you can get a nice tight sound that could be totally usable with low tunings. It's obviously not going to sound like a mesa or a 5150 but you could work with it. It's not going to be flubby if dialed in right.
It's the Yngwie amp, so why the fuck are getting the guy that should be doing the demo for the Slash amp doing this demo instead?

He did do the demo for the Slash amp. And the JVM, JDM, Haze, MG and MA series amps. He's been Marshall's official demonstrator in most of their videos and trade show presentations for a few years now.
Frankly, the whole thing with amp demos is retarded IMO- Don't expect american companies (i.e. Marshall) to do demos in a way that would scare most costumers outside metal, though-
But actually euro amp companies are also really lame at demoing their products.
For the life of me I can't understand how you could take an ENORMOUS amount of effort, time and money into building an amp, only to just then do crappy demos with it.

I'm yet to see an amp builder with great vid and wav demos (lots of it) on their site.