New Medal of Honor


Feb 20, 2005
...will apparently be set in modern-day Afghanistan, following both the covert spec-ops of a group of Navy SEALS as well as gung-ho massive firefights of the Army Rangers - wonder what the influence for all that could have been? :loco: Then again, I don't mind blatant ripoffs as long as they're done well (I'm a big fan of Uncharted 1+2, after all :D), but I dunno, with EA, I'm skeptical (it'll probably be adequately entertaining, but not have any of the same magic and awesomeness of Modern Warfare 1/2) Due Fall 2010, here's a vid

Graphics look pretty fake as well, unfortunately, especially the character models and animations IMO ("heavily-modded" Unreal 3 engine, apparently)
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Haha, yeah, the environments and lighting effects are pretty sweet, it's mainly just the characters (though I've been spoiled by how almost frighteningly lifelike MW 1/2's characters look and move)
After playing Cod 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6, I can hardly become excited by Medal of Honour games anymore. They just didn't have the same feeling of imediacy and hecticness that CoD games have.

I remember playing 'Frontline' thinking "MAN THIS IS SO AWESOME...SAVING PRIVATE RYAN FTW!" and then getting over the game in a relatively short amount of time because the missions and the way the enemies would come out at you was just so predictable.

I did like 'The Rising Sun' however, because on multiplayer (at least on PS2) you could have bots, so I'd just load up a whole bunch of them and go against them with my brother and we could just kill them all day. Modern FPS don't do that much these days and it really bugs me, which is why I still consider the original Perfect Dark the best FPS ever.

I do like MW2 though...great times playing that game.
MOH:AA kicked some major ass, but i never managed to finish any of the other games(apart from Airborne, which was ok i guess.).
This one was too much of a ripoff for me to enjoy it i think.. i will just have to wait for the demo(if they release one.) and see if its good enough for my money! ;)
Graphics looks great IMO. Too bad no major game company will ever have the balls to make a game where you are the resistance killing the invaders.
I wonder what those guys who broke up with Infinity Ward are going to do.
im actually sort of looking forward to this, something about the whole thing reeks of having the right intentions, the right ideas and the right guys for the job, i reckon this could be really, really fucking good.
that and i read some article from one of the guys at the studio saying "we're not aiming to re-invent the wheel or innovate, we're aiming just make a really amazing game" which is like HURRRR CAPTAIN OBVIOUS but it feels reassuring to me to know that theyre just trying to make a kickass game without being pretentious assholes about it
I was watching a few videos on this last night and the graphics just bug the hell out of me...they could have done so much better

I REALLY dont agree with you on the graphics.
This is the best looking game ive seen since Crysis.
Awesome parallax mapping, no sharp corners on anything, perfect use of specular maps, clothing, wood, concrete or even DIRT looks better in any other game i have ever seen, and the lighting/shadowing might just be the best ive seen real time rendered so far.

Also, the multiplayer will be running on the Frostbite Engine(Battlefield: Bad Company 1-2.).
As I mentioned though Jay, it's the character models that disappoint (both in rendering and animation) - have you played MW 1/2? :OMG: And the lighting does look good, but Uncharted 1/2 are the current standard-setters in that department IMO, and are tough acts to beat!
actually i am looking forward to get this but, very exciting;)
+1 on the animiations, these look really shitty.
As I mentioned though Jay, it's the character models that disappoint (both in rendering and animation) - have you played MW 1/2? :OMG: And the lighting does look good, but Uncharted 1/2 are the current standard-setters in that department IMO, and are tough acts to beat!

I agree on that one, the scenery is pretty good looking but its the way the characters and vehicles navigate.

While im sure the gameplay is gonna be awesome it just seems like they could have put a little more work into it. It could just be because i got so used to MW that other ones just look meh now. And to be using unreal as the engine they could have easily done better then they did.Either way i will still be buying it but i just wish the graphics came out a little bit better
MW2's character models look really weird to me
infact the MW games generally look really weird to me.

good games, but graphically they seem like a weird mish mash of 1999 and 2009.
As I mentioned though Jay, it's the character models that disappoint (both in rendering and animation) - have you played MW 1/2? :OMG:

I agree about the facial animations and overall modeling, but there is nothing wrong with the rendering.
The skintones and everything looks great.. but yeah, not as lifelike as MW.

And the lighting does look good, but Uncharted 1/2 are the current standard-setters in that department IMO, and are tough acts to beat!

I never played Uncharted(Dont own a PS3.), but from the images and videos ive seen it does look great.
But i dont really think that the lighting/shadowing is as good in Uncharted as it looks in the MOH trailer, still amazing though(Especially for a 3rd-person game.).
Pause at the scene where they kick the door in and check out the shadows from the tree, how the lighting affects the wrinkles in the clothing, the bumps on the wall etc.
Still kind of hard to tell by such a short trailer though, but i think this game will look awesome when its released.

Im still not overly exited by it though, but it will be interesting to see how it turns out in the end. :)
I think this looks way more realistic than MW2 graphically. MW looks plastic wrapped, this doesn't. BONUS POINTS for moh

Oh no, its not a ripoff.. just listen to the guy doing the interview at 07:38. :lol:
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Game is looking great! Awesome map too, I love urban maps. On the downside it looks a bit slow, has granade launchers and the hip fire seems to be too accurate. I hope this gets better than Call Of Duty Black Ops because modern warfare appeals to me much more than wars that happened before I was even born.
Oh my god.. I may actually build another gaming-rig again JUST for this if it turns out as good as what I'm seeing.

On another note, anybody else sick of seeing these fucking war games being the same things over and over and over? Game developers have lost all sense of creativity and stick purely to graphics/gameplay. Where's the story, where's the plot, where the fuck are the TITS?

Every game these days is a copy/ripoff to a certain extent of another game in the same genre.. Even way back when, Call of Duty 1+2/MoH:AA were simply THE war games to play. Everybody copied them, and are now making millions :(