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Well I finally learned to use a computer, so now I can talk to you all! Well Here's the story. It was March 19th 2005 when I went to see Into Eternity at the Palladium in Worcester Mass. Beyond the Embrace and Amorphis were also playing the show, I was in the bathroom, some dude came up to use the urinal next to me, I could tell he was in a band (don't ask How) I just Knew, so I asked what band he was in, and he said Into Eternity, but I didn't recognize him from any pictures or anything so I asked "what do you play" and he said "drums" and I was like What? I didn't know they changed drummers, I said that's awesome but I wish I had known cause I would of loved that Job. This Was my first and only time meeting Adam Sagan. So they played and they were amazing. After the show I met Tim, and told him that I wish I had known you were holding auditions because your my favorite band. We talked for awhile and I ended up with his e-mail address "just in case". I also met Oscar from Beyond The Embrace that night. Those guys are so cool. So It was a good night. So whatever, I think it was about 6 months later that a friend told me Beyond the Embrace needed a new drummer, so I figured I would audition(I love auditions) and on some cold November saturday I drove the 1.5 hour to New Bedford Mass where I auditioned, I ended up getting that gig, but I was in the band not long when Adam Sagan called Oscar from BTE while we were at practice and said he quit IE. Oscar told us when he was off the phone that Adam had Quit, and I realized my dream job may be available. So needless to say I went home and Dug up Tim's e-mail address that I got that night and sent and e-mail inquiring about the position. It took 8 months, $700, samples of my playing, and an audition video, before I got my chance to fly to the beautiful city of Regina. Where I audioned for 3 days with my favorite band. I guess that's it, this story is long enough. I just figured I would share it.
Well I finally learned to use a computer, so now I can talk to you all!

Hey Steve,

Welcome to your band's forum. I just got your voice mail... Funny that you should see my posts on here. Hopefully all of my facts were correct. =)

By the way, have you learned "Speak Of The Dead" yet? If you can learn to find the "Power" button on your computer, then I just KNOW you can play that song, too!!

Catch you later,

Dude thats an amazing story. My friend was seriously considering auditioning too, but then we realized he'd have to relocate, which would be a big hassle and we joked about how someone on the NE coast of the US would go to Regina. Can't believe that actually happened though.

I wish the best for you and IE in this new line up.

The BTE/IE/amorphis tour was the same one where I first saw IE live, which really started my passion for their music.