new metal mix, please take a listen...

This is a mixed and mastered track from a band called Jarvis ( This is for their 4 song demo so we didn't end up using a metronome for time restraints, so the playing obviously could be tighter, but for what this is for it will be just fine.


Guitars were a 5150 through an unknown cab, I miced it with an i5 and sm57 on the dustcap and a sm57 a few inches from the edge of the cone.

Anyway I would really appreciate any feedback, thanks!

i still have time to fix the mix and everything before this is final. What kind of eq settings should I be trying to get those guitars to stand out? Right now I am just using the C4 for low mids and the eq has some boosting in the 1.5khz-4khz range with a high pass filter at 70hz.

I noticed that the snare drum especially sounds fake but I think (unless someone has a suggestion) that the kick will work out alright for this, unless I am way off. I triggered the kicks and the snare and both of those tracks have drumagog, does drumagog cycle through samples? If so can someone give me some directions on how to do that? There are also mic'ed tracks of the snare and kicks that could be higher in the mix perhaps.

Any help is greatly appreciated, thanks for listening!

I think the drums are alright. I think the "fake" sound is more due to the fact that they sound so much better than the guitars, lending a fake feel to what sounds better, if that makes sense - like a drum machine. throw up a clip without the C4 or the 1.5-4K boost...from what I hear, those guitars are just too piercing. I hear a lot of compression as well. I like the guitar tone when the comp is clamping down, so that makes me think it's bringing down those higher frequ. transients in the guitar tone, so I'd try to cut out that high frequ. boosting.
Also, if you just used Andy's bass and snare samples in the form of gog files (they've been posted as both .wav files and gog files around here), then they are already multisampled.

Personally, I think the drums pretty good.

And as far as C4 goes, do you use it because you think it's necessary or because it's been posted on here that some use it? When I first came here I went for the C4 on guitars just because Andy and others did it. Now that I *think* I understand why and when, I find I don't feel like it's necessary to use as a general rule - only when the mix calls for it.
Yeah, getting there! The guitars still sound pretty hollow, though.

You had an i5 and a 57 on the dustcap? We're both on axis or was it Fredman style? And you also had another 57 on the speaker, too?
What's the mix ratio between the 3 mics? I'm wondering if running all 3 mics is causing the tone to sound scooped and phasey or something.

For parts of the song, I think the tone fits, though. Super low and heavy, no doubt.

I think this mix is a vast improvement, but the guitars are still a bit weird to me. I'd try to experiment with a combo of just 2 mics rather than all 3. Just one of the dustcap mics and then the other one?

Sounds like the guitar players have pretty scooped settings, too. Makes it hard to distinguish a lot of what's going in a tuning that low, IMO.