New Misery Signals song

the mix is a little weird but I am enjoying the song! I agree that one guitar interlude is kinda booish however im enjoying this track much more than anything Boo has put out in a while.
I don't really think Misery Signals equates to Born of Osiris in just about any way...

And they've always had slightly kooky mixes, it's part of the charm, this is good shit.
I don't love the kick (the point is too high) but besides that the mix is great. The master seems a little pushy for my taste but that could just be the SC compression. There is a shitload going on but it's incredibly clear and relatively natural for the style. It's tough to ask for more in a mix this dense.
As far as BOO comparisons go, I personally don't hear it either. Note that you actually hear pick attack and note decay in the chug section like you would if it was, you know, played on a guitar.
Great song! Yeah, MS always had weird mixes - different weirdness on each record. I personally don't like the kick and some of the cymbals on the left is too harsh. But then again, "Mirrors" was fucking dirty and distorted all the way and Failsafe is still one of my favorite songs.