New stuff for a project I'm working on. Interested in comments and criticisms.
This is processed through a mastering chain, and I tried to mix with plenty of headroom so I could abuse the 2buss.
The core of it is Superior Drummer 2.0 - Le456 for guitars, 4 tracks rhythm 2 100LR and 2 70LR and reduced gain for the 2nd pair, all into Orange 2x12 cab impulses - Signals Fender J-Bass KONTAKT Library for bass which was well worth the £20 I paid for it.
All done in REAPER, which I love so much I bought it.
and a ton of other processing which I will talk about if anyone cares enough to ask.
Yeah, I know the music sucks, its one big repetitive breakdown
uke: I do plan to add some lead stuff and some vocals, eventually, but for now...go nuts..and I probably won't keep the song title either, just a working title thing for now. I won't lie, I'm not an amazing guitarist by any stretch, which in a way is good cause it's forced me to try and hone my editing skills
oh well, all good fun I suppose.
This is processed through a mastering chain, and I tried to mix with plenty of headroom so I could abuse the 2buss.
The core of it is Superior Drummer 2.0 - Le456 for guitars, 4 tracks rhythm 2 100LR and 2 70LR and reduced gain for the 2nd pair, all into Orange 2x12 cab impulses - Signals Fender J-Bass KONTAKT Library for bass which was well worth the £20 I paid for it.
All done in REAPER, which I love so much I bought it.
and a ton of other processing which I will talk about if anyone cares enough to ask.
Yeah, I know the music sucks, its one big repetitive breakdown