New Mix - german metal, 6505 + Fireball

Guitars and drums need to come up, vocals need to come down. The guitars could use a bit of a high mid boost as well.

This is the first song I've seen in this thread that wasn't posted by Ola or Widek that I actually like. :D
yo, cool to hear they finally got to recording again.
digging the new songs, Biene hat's drauf.

cool mix, would definitely say drums (especially overheads in some places, not in others) need to come up.and you should have ditched that dreadfull muddy engl and went with 4x6505 instead ;)
fireball 60 or 100?

they're very different, and actually the fb 100 records really really well. much easier than my 5150 tbh
Hey Guys...thanks for listening!
The FB is a 6oWatts one.
@ Lasse

Yeah, Biene's vocals are very a whispering monster...very breathy.
I really like the fireball for my live work, for studio its ok. I will record 3 more songs with them and will reamp the guitars later.
Just want to try to bleed Blackmoore with 6505 or Blackmoore and FB....6505 quite alone is not my favorite one.
Last week I played a show with Lizzy Borden and talked with A.C. Alexander about the differences of Fb 60 and 100....I think both sounds great.
Ich bin übriges der Typ der dich in NB mal besoffen im Zebra angelabert hat.

Gruß Tony
Fireball 100s and 5150s/6505s sit so nicely together it's amazing.

And I agree that the vox should be slightly lower in the mix, but other than that it sounds amaz.
for my taste there is too much bass and it needs a push of high frequencies. but guitar tone sounds cool
Sounds great !
So you recorded the same di through the same cab, using the same mic position and just switched heads, right ? I never seem to get that to work in the mix, they overpower one another. How did you do it ?