New mix, great band, metalcore, 5150 II content


Apr 12, 2002
Cambridge, Ontario, Canada
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Any opinions or advice appreciated, still a little rough around the edges probably but coming together...

-Guitars are some Ibanez SV series or something (string through set neck) with Duncan Designed passives
-Bass is Squier Vintage Mod Jazz into POD X3, don't remember the patch, wish I did because it turned out great
-Vox are SM7
-Drum samples are the drummers own kick and toms, LSD snare 6 I think

Edit: Final mix is here:
Sure here's a crappy pic actually...


Snare is SM57 (was replaced though anyways)
Tom 1 is Audix D2
Tom 2 is Audix D4
Kick is D6 (replaced though, sample was recorded with D112 during a previous session)

Left and right overheads are Rode NT5s
Center overhead is Audio Technica ATM450
Ride is Audio Technica ATM450
Hats are SM7

Room is Kel HM7U
the guitars lack a bit of harmonic content, "3D" some members might describe it as. the entire mix, altough being very good, lacks a bit of punch. drums sound somewhat small and thin, try giving the snare and toms some more body and crack and don't go too easy with compression.
This sounds great Adam! Great tones all around. Everything is distinguishable but glued. I actually dig that the guitars are somewhat "undergained". Gives the whole mix a bit of character. What are you mastering with?
Nice one man! Sounds really good. Only a few small things to perhaps think about - maybe get more creative with panning some of the layered vocals. Also when the guitars go high, the middle can get a little sparse - I'd look to automate the bass up and perhaps use a bit of stereo chorus (on the bass again) panned 20/20ish just to fill it out.

Guitars are a bit undergained but I like the mix enough for it not to detract.
Sounds really great man, very well-balanced and tight - the drums especially are the high point IMO (hands down best kick recorded with a D112 I've ever heard, never knew the little football had it in it :notworthy ), seriously well-done, though I do agree on the guitars being undergained, and I think the bass could come up (and have some more mids, maybe around 700 and 2k, just to fill things out a bit and make the pitch more defined); also, the vocals are a bit dry IMO (and WOW is that vocalist not my style, dear god :lol: ), but overall sounds really pro man, good job!

Also, I thought you just had a regular 5150? Or was this the band's 5150 II?
Drums sound great dude!

I think everyone hit on the guitar gain being a little low and the vocals being a little dry. Other than those small things its a sick mix.
In addition to everything else that has been mentioned, the tracking and editing is absolutely insane. Tight as fuck but incredibly organic, nicely done!