New mix test - bass VST, recabinet, invader, superior2

anybody? :(
mystery: How I managed to record the click perfectly for just one beat in this song out of nowhere. The MIDI ping really sets that riff off! Cubase studio 4 rocks!
More djentiness, whoop de doo - pretty cool mix though, snare has too much bottom-mic again, can't hear the bass as a separate entity from the guitar, which is a good thing I guess (especially for a VST) - which program did you use?
Ah, coolness, might have to pick that up. And sorry for the attitude before man, of course we all have different tastes in music, and the most important thing is that you're being creative and getting satisfaction from it! You seem like a cool dude, and I don't want to alienate you by being a dick about music tastes. :wave:
cool man! :rock: You may not dig the djent, and I don't really think this song is overly djenty, but oh well :lol:
I updated it in any case. Tweaks, added a new riff, now it seems like it needs another verse, but I'm still working on it.
Coolness, snare still is a bit snappy to me (rather than punchy), which I'm guessing is the bottom mic at work, and the hi-hat when it comes in is too loud IMO. I like the tone, though, guess there's something to that Recabinet after all! :goggly: Also, the kick has just a wee bit too much low-mid thunder/rumble for my tastes, but it's only really noticeable when the floor tom comes in. I like the semi-ambient semi-arpeggiated section that comes in at around 2:56, very cool, esp. with the synths!

EDIT: And also, the hi-hat feels too thin/crisp, as well as being a bit loud
Musically I'm liking it man. I think the important thing above all in styles of music like this is giving listeners at least some semi-musical hooks to latch on to. I've noticed many parts in this track just sort of walk by and you don't have much to really grasp onto and remember it by. The core vibe and stuff is quite cool, but I think you might need to flesh out the songs a bit more, perhaps by creating some more memorable rhythm hooks, or even more ambient/lead guitar layers.

Hard to tell what's going on mix-wise as I'm on a pair of cans I don't know too well. All I can say is that I'm not liking the tonality of recab, as per usual. The guitar tone is somewhat hollow sounding. I'd be trying to add in perhaps 2 extra tracks with poida's higher presence impulse and seeing whether that fills out the midrange somewhat more.

I think Marcus is right about too much bottom mic on the snare. It loses a bit of power that way and becomes a bit more obnoxious to listen to. Other than that I think the bass is a little on the cloudy side and not quite as tight in the mix as it could be.

Criticisms aside, I think you're onto something good and I look forward to hearing some more tracks from you.
Yeah, I'll definitely agree about needing more hooks, which is my feeling about a lot of semi- to fully-djenty stuff - but at the same time, for some reason a lot of it seems to be instrumental (much to my dismay), and with vox I think they would supply the hook and allow the coolness of the rhythms to shine through (cuz djenty-influenced stuff seems to be more rhythmically oriented, rather than melodically). And I use the term "djenty" loosely, mind, but it's that off-beat accenting thing and the vamping off the un-muted low string that really makes me think of it.
Right on all counts Metaltastic :) I try to balance between rhythm and melody most times, but this song just flowed out this way and ended up more the unconventional offtime rhythm side. I see what you mean with the djent thing now :lol:
I got my vocalist working on some ideas for this one so hopefully next Sunday we'll be able to record all that! I like trying to make the song as strong as I can just as an instrumental, so this one ended up changing riffs a little too frequently to keep it fresh.. I'll probably be repeating some of the one-shot riffs a bit more. Thanks for the mix advice metal & moonlapse, I'll do some tweakin this weekend