New mix trying some curve eq and bass tricks.

Ok i just uploaded the old mix i had as well. Its gonna sound kinda mono because the guitar tracks were duplicated and paned into 75% to the opposite side and that really makes it sound mono. The old mix is named "Dark Wisper Old" Please try and get past the mono thing and just let me know what you think about the new mix compared to it.
sounds really good to me dude, better than the old one for sure, The only faults I can find in it are 1) when there are a couple sour pinches/harmony diddies on the guitar that could be performed better, and 2) the vocal could be comped a bit better, like there are parts where there is too much stuff going on vocal wise that doesnt line up very musically. but all in all the mix sounds pro to me, in my crappy headphones atleast.
Sounds good here, great vocal btw.
The drums sound a little uneven in ceratin parts. Very thin at about 1:45, then full at about 2:00.
Could be the snare is a bit buried for me, but overall really like the song.
sounds really good to me dude, better than the old one for sure, The only faults I can find in it are 1) when there are a couple sour pinches/harmony diddies on the guitar that could be performed better, and 2) the vocal could be comped a bit better, like there are parts where there is too much stuff going on vocal wise that doesnt line up very musically. but all in all the mix sounds pro to me, in my crappy headphones atleast.

Yea the guitarist was having a hell of a time with harmonics and it shows. Now on the vocal thing when you say comped did you mean compressed better or composed/structured the vocals better for the song?

Also thanks for taking the time and listening. Its nice to have some outside opinions and what needs to be fixed. Ive been trying waiting a few days before i go back and mix again.
Sounds good here, great vocal btw.
The drums sound a little uneven in ceratin parts. Very thin at about 1:45, then full at about 2:00.
Could be the snare is a bit buried for me, but overall really like the song.

Yea i wonder if thats cause the kicks drop out on that part and really thins up the mix on that part. Not really sure what to do for that. :Smug:

Yea I'm gonna try and bring the drums up a bit. I noticed listening on my home stereo that the toms and stuff also seemed to be buried compared to some reference cd's I'm using.

You guys think the guitars are to muddy or thin and hows the low end in general?
composed/structered better, seems like there is plenty of recorded stuff to work with and on some parts, you could drop some of the backing tracks as they arent thickening they are more distracting, just my take though, singer guy might get angry if you dont have all 40 takes of him cooing away, hahaha