Curve EQ captured spectrums??


Dec 15, 2007
Just wondering if there has been a thread where people have posted some captured Curve EQ spectrums for guitars, bass, vox, full mixes, etc... that they have had good luck using in mixes from solid rock/metal recordings?? (couldnt find anything on the search engine) It would be cool to share some spectrums to try out... I have a couple of guitar left + right eq spectrums and a full mix spectrum from Extol's Synergy album (such a killer album) that I captured that work well for a good starting point with some attenuation.... I can post those up if anyone is interested... Anyone else have some killer Curve EQ spectrums to share???

- Marcus
I don't have anything to offer, sadly.

But I will be MORE than happy to get that full mix spectrum of Synergy. Extol is to this day one of my favorite death metal bands (was death metal...)
Yea early Extol up to the Synergy album is phenominal... It's too bad they kinda dropped the ball with the newer stuff after they lost their main guitarist (who used to take care of most of the singing vocals as well I believe... insane voice btw...) Anyone else got some spectrums to post up?? Ill put up the Extol spectrums I matched tomorrow when I get some extra time...
Yea guys definitely post these as I'm kinda curious to try the curve eq thing again. :rock:

I know there is a bunch more people using curve eq so maybe they will join in as well and share there curve spectrums.