typical Rate my Mix forum response... :|

+1, my post from yesterday seems to get once again no response - a "fuck you and die" would help me more than no response :(

Mix sounds very good overall, snare is maybe a little buried.
thanks for the feedback so far guys. lack of responses these days are typically due to less people reading these threads.

i almost thought the bass gtr was too loud. that's usually what bugs me the most about my mixes, low end/bass being too loud and cluttered.

kick is probably at least 10 different samples mashed together from around this site + some slight eq. i know the Brainkick is one of the primary ones. i think it is a little too clicky though, but it is too much of a hassle to fix most of the time, as my drum tracks are mixed down to a stereo .wav file from Beatcraft. i'll get around to it :)

i thought the guitars were a little fuzzy as well. can anyone help me diminish that? is it just some eqing that i can do to help it? Nick Crow's 8505 was used on guitar.. im really trying to go for that real 6505 sound with ampsims since i cant afford the real thing. i like the bite and mid range of Revalver's 6505+ but i only have the demo version, so im using 8505, which i still love. i really wish onqel would make a no-sse2 version of x50 ;)
i thought the guitars were a little fuzzy as well. can anyone help me diminish that? is it just some eqing that i can do to help it? Nick Crow's 8505 was used on guitar.. im really trying to go for that real 6505 sound with ampsims since i cant afford the real thing. i like the bite and mid range of Revalver's 6505+ but i only have the demo version, so im using 8505, which i still love. i really wish onqel would make a no-sse2 version of x50 ;)

Less treble, more bass? Also, up the gain a bit.
guitars are rolled off at 90Hz with a boost around 120, so im not too worried about the bass, that is what the bass guitar is for.. if it is too fuzzy, then there is something weird going on in the higher end of the spectrum. i just cannot find the frequency. then again, i print my guitar tracks before mixing/mastering to save my CPU. and as far as the gain, if anything, there is too much of it.
Shit sounds fat as hell. Vocals might be a little too up front. As previously stated, the GTRS are a little too "gainy". Bass on the other hand sounds very present through my mackies. I dig the track dude nice work.
thanks a lot man, that's what i am trying to hear! like i said in an earlier post, i dont have ideal speakers/monitors by any means, so it is really hard to get an idea of what the mix REALLY sounds like, especially as far as bass guitar and low end. so i just try to do the best i can.

so, to-do list on this track so far... make kick less clicky, maybe a little transient work on the snare, turn vocals town a tad. have anything to say about the guitars' "gaininess"? i have been thinking of "quad" tracking them. like, not ACTUALLY tracking 4 times, but duplicating each track and throwing a very low amount of gain on them to blend with the high gain tracks to add some pick attack and mids in there and such. tried it with PodFarm's dual sound feature or whatever they call it where you have two chains for the same track and it made it sound fatter and a little more mid rangier.

EDIT: after just thinking about it. the guitars' problem could very well be the strings, you dont even want to know when the last time i changed them was ;) i know thats a no-no but im a guy whose income is provided by 20 hours a week at McHell, so fresh strings arent as on deck as i would like them to be. but hey, maybe a string endorsement soon :)
this is perfect. i wouldn't touch a fucking thing. it slams like a MOTHERFUCKER. JESUS. I don't get how you guys are getting such sick GTR tones with amp sims
Kick is a little too clicktastic I guess but that's preference. The guitars need to "chunk" a little harder and it'd be perfect. Snare popping more is personal preference also, it's definitely audible so it's up to you if you want it to be all POP and shit.
this is perfect. i wouldn't touch a fucking thing. it slams like a MOTHERFUCKER. JESUS. I don't get how you guys are getting such sick GTR tones with amp sims

+1. really good guitar tone.

kernelxsanders, could you make some screenshoots about what kick samples you used and what processing?

and, tse808 > nick 8505 > what impulse? i´d appreciate some info.;)

thanks a lot,
Be careful, there's some REALLY LOUD low end on your bass guitar (in the 40-80 Hz region) that's probably eating up a lot of volume, and that few speakers can probably reproduce accurately !

Otherwise it sounds very nice and fat, but a bit "dark" sounding when compared to many recent CDs - there's not much treble at all, and the verb on your vox and snare is very audible. If that's what you intented, then it's fine :)
yes, chunk is a good word to describe what i would like more of, as opposed to fuzz.

and if i could remember all of the samples i used for the kick, i would definitely share. i do know that it is primarily the brain kick which is what is providing that click and low end thump, and i want to say it is also Lasse's free kick that i blended in there (but i could be wrong, i honestly cannot remember, it was a couple of months ago where i just took random ones i liked and happened to go with each other) with about 8 other samples hahaha but. post processing was just some slight eq > bounce, it is pretty much my go-to kick for metal.

guitar chain is essentially podfarm for noise gate/boost > 8505 > s-preshigh impulse > parallel eq (which makes the mid/low mid range nice and thick for me) > HP/LP. guitars and bass go to a bus with Sneap's c4 preset > limiter.

@Agentmetal, would you recommend either scooping a tad from the bass in that region? or multi band compression? as well as going about making it sound more bright in the treble, i feel like i should raise the cymbal volumes just a tiny bit to bring out those higher freqs, and maybe a LITTLE boost in the master eq. as far as verb, i kinda was going for that feel, like that CJ style mix where it sounds like you are in a fucking arena experience haha, but i feel like i need to be a little more subtle with those verbs and use more room emulations?

glad you like it guys! this makes me feel very good! :)
"Clicktastic", I'm so stealing that! Really liking the mix mate, upfront vocals sounds good for the style (well to my ears at least lol!)