New mix with RME babyface

Sounds kinda okay I guess. Guitars are muddy. It sounds sloppy, but you might be playing in a really complex time signature and it's just going over my head.
You should probably focus on writing the song first. Great songs with solid playing can trump production. It honestly doesn't sound like music in anyway, regardless of proper mix and production. There is literally nothing to mix so I'm curious at what you're getting at here? There are lots of songs available for you to download and mix on the forum if that is your desired art.
You should probably focus on writing the song first. Great songs with solid playing can trump production. It honestly doesn't sound like music in anyway, regardless of proper mix and production. There is literally nothing to mix so I'm curious at what you're getting at here? There are lots of songs available for you to download and mix on the forum if that is your desired art.

My goal here is great tone of the guitars, and the accuracy of drums. I'm trying to learn how to use ezdrummer in reaper, how to eq/mix the "clip" together. I know this isn't a real song or really anything, it's a snippit of something I created on my guitar in one go. With ez drummer added, I tried to line up kick with chugs and snare where it should be placed. I horribly failed, so I should work more on the drums.
yeah a bass guitar would be great. I'll try and borrow my friends, mix it in and post the mix. I might be getting superior drummer too, but i'm just learning. Next thread I make will be a full mixed song with structure and quantized/humanized drums.
I'm having trouble critiquing this because I have no idea what I just listened to. I don't even know where to start. I think the least of your problems is production brother...
