New Nailed album taster


May 17, 2007
Manchester UK
We're just waiting on a final Red Book master from our producer Andy Giblin but here is a sample mp3 of the final mix. To say we're happy with it is an understatement!

We recorded at MCC Studios here in the UK, which is a great residential environment to work in. Andy's gear list can be found on the site, but here's an mp3 taster of the title track of our new album:

Hatred, Failure & The Extinction of Mankind

There's another 40 odd seconds of song after the fadeout starts, but we don't have the full album yet and these are just mastering samples Andy sent after we gave him a tweak list for our first mix.

Drumwise the kit was a Sonor Designer, sizes 8", 10", 12", 14" with 2 20" kicks, a 14"x3.5" Designer snare and a 14"x5.5" Pearl Export second snare. Hats are all Sabian, 2 17" crashes, 2 18" crashes, 17" China, 20" China, 12" and 14" hats and 10" and 12" splashes. 6.5" and 9" Zildjian Zil'Bels also on the kit. Axis A Longboards, Evans G2 on the toms and a Remo Weatherking on the snare.

Kicks were triggered from Ekits/DDrum, samples are a 24" DW and a 22" Tama Starclassic mixed 50/50, rest of the kit is natural. 57's top and bottom snares, 421's on toms, overheads and ride escape me right now. No click tracks used so no beat detective! Used a load of 7th Circle preamps going in.

Guitars were an Ibanez UV7BK Universe and an LTD F-200 with a Dimarzio X2N at the bridge. We recorded all tracks through a Pod XT and then reamped through an Engl Fireball and 6505. We also tried a track of Krank Revolution but it didn't sit well with the Engls(which are our personal amps). Maxon 808 in front of the amps and a 57 on a Mesa Trad 4x12 for all tracks. Leads which aren't really evident on this song were the same guitars into Engl + Mesa Cab with a Dunlop Dimebag CFH wah in front. Strung with Ernie Balls, .13 .17 .30 .42 .52 .62 tuned Bb,Eb,Ab,Db,Gb,Bb,Eb on the 7 and Bb,Eb,Ab,Db,F,Bb on the 6. Compressed with a Distressor and reamped with Little Labs boxes.

Basswise I used my Spectors, REX 2000/5 with EMG 40P5 neck and 40DC bridge on half the album, and my NSJH5CM fretless with 40J neck and 40TW bridge on the other half(including this song). Into an Ibanez PD7 distortion, then to my rack of an Ampeg SVP-Pro preamp, dbx166xl then QSC PLX1202 into an Ampeg SVT810E. DI from bass, DI from SVP and Beta 52 on cab. Strung with DR Hi-Beams .45 .65 .85 .105 .130 tuned Bb,Eb,Ab,Db,Gb.
Compressed going in with a Distressor.

Vocals I'm not sure of the mic but think it was a Neumann, nuked by the Distressor and then izotoped.

Used loads of plugins including Waves SSL, Drumagog and Eventide for Morbid Angel type harmonies on solos! Then Andy ran it through his home mastering setup which I'm not privy to, suffice to say it involved a Manley tube compressor and a Weiss Digital EQ amongst other things.

If you want any more specific info I'll try my best to inform you. As a band we're really happy with the mix and can't wait to get the full thing unleashed!
the guitars are alittle muddy/cloudy to me, and the drums (moreso the cymbals) have a piercing hi-end that makes it impossible for me to listen to at a very moderate level.

otherwise it sounds good.