New Oceano

For me it never stopped... but on side note I'm picky on those I like.
For this one I'm really digging production, but song itself sounds meh.



Hahahha I love that Suicide Silence is on the shitlist section of the graph in 2011, but by 2015 now they would be in the approval quadrant. Sgt D is the best.
I paused new Periphery before this and a great deal of low end went away and in place a fuck ton more crunchy mids, which is saying something when a deathcore band has more mids in the production than Periphery lol. I get that its a hallmark of Putney/Machine productions so have a aggression coming out of analog crunchiness making everything loud, but maybe not for this type of band y'know? It almost sounds vintage in a weird way, near-muffled top end to the guitars and no boom in the kick.
-good guitar tone
-loud as shit mastering that goes way overboard turning the kick drum into someone stomping a mud puddle
-bass guitar where?
-no low frequencies
Do we still not know who mixed this? Haha
I'm just curious. I dig the guitars and vocals a lot.