New Opeth song tournament - Vote off the BEST song


Jaded and Gaunt
May 8, 2002
California, USA
Remeber, vote for the song you like MORE out of each matchup. The final remaining song is the boards' least favorite Opeth song (even though they're all great).

Credence vs. In Mist She Was Standing
Nectar vs. Under the Weeping Moon
Serenity Painted Death vs. The Funeral Portrait
Dirge for November vs The Twilight is my Robe
In The Mist She Was Standing
The Funeral Portrait
The Twilight is my Robe

I swear, ;) if "The Mist" turns out to be the LEAST favourite amongst these boards, I will shoot myself....something would have to be wrong, there.....
In Mist She Was Standing
Under the Weeping Moon
Serenity Painted Death
Dirge for November

I'm hoping that The Funeral Portrait comes out as the winner (uhh or loser??) in this tournament... I absolutely get nothing from that song.