New Opeth Video Interview (Per and Mendez FINALLY!!)

how did the interview suck?
i liked it a lot, thanks for the link...
the interview was good, who cares if its generic questions? itd be the same if he was talking to mikael, what do you want him to ask? Hows your mother doing? do you always wear jeans? do you like a nice pair of slacks?

well i really liked seeing per and mendez in the interview, it's the interviewer i dont like. not very well prepared. they probably just make a list of questions and they ask every band the same.

he could have asked per about his role in Ghost Reveries, how it was for the band to work with a keyboardist in the heavy songs for the first time. how he went about making parts for the old songs, how does he feel about altering them, what exactly does he think he adds to them etc. how he likes touring this extensively for the first time (well Damnation tour too obviously but he wasnt a perm member back then and it was much shorter). they could have asked mendez about how his basslines are so much more interesting on GR than on older albums, did the rehearsing thing influence that? etc etc etc. be creative. this way we learned nothing new, except that he likes football and has an accent :goggly:

if you'd like to see a better example;

:: FaceCulture ::

:: FaceCulture ::
wow hey thx for this interview. I honestly never hear from Per or Mendez. I just found out that Per's english is really not that bad, unlike Mendez, lol.

Yeah, I was surprised at how good Per's english is... when I met him, it seemed like he didn't understand a word I was saying... maybe he was trying to avoid talking to the fans? Very strange.

yeah, awesome to hear the 2 quiet ones get some air time.

(and i am totally in love with both of them!)

but i agree that the questions lame. they were clearly not geared towards the 2 guys and i can only assume that the interviewer knows nothing about opeth.

it's too bad since there's plenty of great questions (much better than what style of undies you wear) that could be asked of both of them.

mendez is not a talker. :-) maybe also a function of his limited english? it would be cool to hear him interviewed in spanish. and who knows, even his swedish might be better than his english.

and per is awesome. great accent. sexy hair.


someone needs to photoshop mendez in a pro-football uniform.


HAHA! I was reading this thinking American football. I was like, "What does this picture have to do with anything?", until I put 2 and 2 together. Haha, I'm done.