New Orleans Gig

Hell yeah, I'll be there. I'm planning on wearing my DT 20th Anniv shirt I believe and a Led Zeppelin hat. I should be hanging with a few people. Last time Opeth came the place was probably not even half full. Unfortunately for Opeth this is a bad thing, but when 7Dust came last weekend it was sold out packed - wall to wall, no breathing room, so at least this should be more enjoyable for us.

You can check me out on myspace
cool dude, lol i have that same shirt haha. and i was gonna wear it! u bastard! ;) nah, i'll just end up wearing a black shirt or something.

Hey, i don't mind if not very many people show up...less chance of unwanted moshing and crowd surfing lol

maybe i'll see ya
Man, Opeth brought the mother down tonight. I just got in and I must say this is definetely in the top few shows I've ever seen. There is no other band on this planet that compared to Opeth. The place was pretty packed though, I'd say close to being sold out.
i was surprised at the amount of people that showed up....seemed like a lot of them were for Devil Driver tho i'm afraid.......those mosh pits were nuts. lol i was on the outter rim of them thankfully.

dude, i think i saw u walk by me.. well, i saw a dude in the new DT shirt and some black hat, mighta been u.

well, anyway, the concert was better than the show in Houston i went to back in October.

i just got home (lafayette) and i'm too tired to put up the setlist :lol:
I was at it. My friends and I hung out behind the sound board during Opeth. Did anyone else find it funny that the singer for Dark Tranquility felt the need to metal growl/scream the title to EVERY song before they played it? I kept laughing at that.
AnewKINDofFEELIN said:
I was at it. My friends and I hung out behind the sound board during Opeth. Did anyone else find it funny that the singer for Dark Tranquility felt the need to metal growl/scream the title to EVERY song before they played it? I kept laughing at that.

well i fuckin missed them. well, actually, i saw the end of their last song.

I'm gonna take a stab at this, the order is probably all fucked up and help me out here, i'm at a blank, i know i missed something. :lol:

Ghost of Perdition
White Cluster
The Amen Corner
Baying of the Hounds
Under the Weeping Moon
The Grand Conjuration
The Drapery Falls

the show in NOLA was unbelieveable. but does anyone know who the drummer was playing for Opeth? i figured there was a good chance Martin wouldnt be there, but I couldnt figure out who the drummer was.

And did anyone else notice that Dez looked, dressed, and moved an awful lot like Phil Anselmo?
Last night's show was definately awesome! It was also my first Opeth concert, so that was even better! That order is correct too, if I remember correctly.
hey boys, we friggin rocked it!

Per shook the roof with Closure and Under the Weeping Moon!

i still havent slept!
WeepingMoon said:
dude, i think i saw u walk by me.. well, i saw a dude in the new DT shirt and some black hat, mighta been u.

Yeah that was probably me... I was wearing my black Led Zeppelin hat. Although depending on what time of the show you saw me, I may have been too fucked up to even talk. After about mid-set for Opeth I was completely wasted. But it's all cool cause alcohol + Opeth = pure bliss.

Oh, and if anyone had come out to The Dungeon after the show, you would have had the privelege of meeting Dark Tranquility.

My friend and I were sobering up there when I looked to my left and it's Mikael Stanne from Dark Tranquility along with the rest of the band. We said hi, they downed a few shots and went on their way. :headbang:
Psycho Mike said:
Oh, and if anyone had come out to The Dungeon after the show, you would have had the privelege of meeting Dark Tranquility.
My friends and I went in, but we were kicked out. Not quite 21, heh.

lionel: I must've been right by you.