New Ozzy Album June 15th called "Scream" with Gus G!!!

honestly I'm not too impressed. It may be a big step up from "Black Rain" but I'll just stick to listening to the 80's stuff.
First, let me say that I love Ozzy and I think he's a cool guy. However my interest in his music had decreased to near zero with every album since No More Tears. It's well known that an Ozzy album is only as good as the band that he has around him at the time since Ozzy himself doesn't write as far I know. Geezer Butler and Tony Iommi have said that he contributes a melody line here and there but that's it.
The fact that Gus G is playing on it means little (though I think he's a great player), what is most important is if Gus G is writing material for Ozzy. That would inject a much needed shot of new ideas into the Ozzy camp.