New Pain of Salvation (Samples included)

Spruce Goose

Then Goose me up woman!
Apr 17, 2001
The new live acoustic album 12:5 is due out next month. You can hear samples from it here [url][/url]

They sound totally amazing. They have rearranged the songs completly from the sounds of those samples. Daniel Gildenlow is a fuckin genious :headbang:

By the way, if anyone still doesn't have any POS albums, do yourselves a favour and grab The Perfect element, Remedy Lane, or Entropia. Then get One Hour by the Concrete Lake. It is good, but the other 3 albums are all pure fuckin gold!
Dont worry Blitz. You will probably say that they are really talented, have a great sound, and do awesome music, but they just won't do it for ya ;)

Nah, I think you would raelly like them actually. The sooner you check em out the better
You seem a little confused Spiff, you've got things backwards. Remedy Lane is great, Elephant is less good.
Spiff.... I never said I like RL better than Elephant. I can't split them. They are both Phenomenal albums. Like all POS, you need to listen to it a few times in a row untill it hits you. You had the same problem with Elephant if I recall. You couldn't get past the first few tracks, but when you did, you never looked back.l Same with RL. Brilliant album. Track 5, I Pledge (This heart of Mine) is one of my favorite ballards evah!

Give it time, and a few repeated listens spifffffooooooooooooo