
New Metal Member
Nov 28, 2008
I see on their myspace page that their new cd will be out March 23 on Spectastral records USA!, "spectastral" is a track on their previous cd, hmmm?. Their is no site or myspace for this "label"! I can't wait to hear it!
When I first heard the CD, I was kinda taken aback. It seemed less heavy than the previous disc, but repeat listens have revealed that the level of songwriting on Lunasense has increased significantly, and the guitar playing is stunning through and through. So much nuance, so much feel. Excellent stuff...
:headbang: (then again, I'm biased). In all seriousness, though... it kicks all sorts of ass. :D

Heehehehehehehehe and so am I. This disc kicks major butt, and features vocals by a certain PP Forum member who will remain nameless Okay Colleen I won't mention your name.:headbang::headbang::worship:notworthy
Got the text, everyone was sad you and Todd couldn,t make it. I will call you later today.