New pickups, which to buy?


Dec 2, 2008
I have some Seymour Duncans in my Washburn Idol, and I find that more and more I dislike the kind of sound I get from them, maybe I suck at dialing in my amp, but it's only with the Idol that I seem to have trouble. I can't get the low-end to sound tight enough, again, maybe that's part of the dialing, but at least part of the problem has to be the pups. I could be wrong again. I had EMGs in the Idol at one point, but I didn't dig the battery, so I don't really want to go in the active direction again. The SDs I have right now are the JB and Jazz, they sound really nice on clean, and actual lead stuff sounds good but they're not my cup of tea for rhythm playing, and that's what I do the most.

I want to be able to get a tighter low-end out of the new pickups, still have a nice clean sound, but not too bassy. I need a tight sound in a well-rounded pickup. I hope that's possible. A sound like Dave's in She-Wolf. Any ideas?
Seymour Duncan Custom - pretty f'in tight ;)

Considered DiMarzio? Maybe even the Duncan Blackouts? I know you said you didn't want to go active again but is the battery really that much of a hassle?

As for your maple bodied guitar, Chryst, I would recommend something DARK. If going active, an 85 in the bridge.

I have this stupid phobia about the battery dying suddenly without any warning, and that would suck balls. I don't gig at the moment, but I don't have a battery compartment in my guitar to begin with, and I don't want to open it up again to swap batteries. The custom sounds like a good idea, does it come in black? I looked on MF and all I saw was the white version. When I play lead stuff I usually switch to bridge+neck or go with just the neck pickup, so if I switch to the custom I could just keep the same neck pup I have right now.

On a sidenote, is anyone looking for a VERY gently used Zakk Wylde set of EMGs? I bought them seperately not in the actual ZW combo, but it's the 81 and 85 nonetheless.
The custom sounds good and it does come in black. As for the battery compartment thing, with my LTD I put some ZW EMG's in there and the battery sits inside the electronics compartment. Had a battery in that guitar for 3 years, never died. But I took it out anyway because after that must affect tone.
That was the thing too, I want my tone to be the same consistently. I liked the EMG sound, but the battery was balls IMO. To the HZs sound close to the active EMGs at all? EMGs are definitely the nicest looking pups, or at least I think so. Getting the looks and a similar sound of the active EMGs but in a passive version would be fantastic. Otherwise, the Custom should do the trick.
You can always buy some plain black pickup covers, so they look like EMG's, havent done it myself but ive seen them on the net cheap.
If you can ship to the UK I'll happily buy your EMG's if the price is right.

PM me if you are interested and can offer me a price to think about.

i can strongly recommend bareknuckle pickups from uk and harry häussel from germany.


i have bareknuckles in my forge and my ran.
in the ran i had and sd sh4, and after a while i started to dislike the sound very much, so i gave bareknuckle a try and wasnt dissapointed.
but there are so many different bareknuckle pickups, best is if you write to them (tim) and email about the sound you want to achieve, he can help you best.

and i have replaced the stock pickups of my gibson sg after 12 years of use against harry häussels...i have not regreted that one day..

bareknuckle are not cheap, but imho every cent worth,
they also got very nice distressed covers as option

The HZs are nothing like the actives...

Seriously man, you need to get over the phobia about the battery :lol: It doesn't suddenly die, you will hear it when it starts to lose juice, and it takes quite a long ass time for them to drain the battery to begin with. When I was gigging twice a week for almost a year with my old band I had to change the battery once about every 3 or 4 months. That's with half hour gigs twice a week, practices once a week that would go for about an hour with my guitar plugged in, and then random jamming on my own. Tons of hours, in other words, and it still took 3-4 months for it to die. You want the look and sound...seems to me like active EMGs are the pick for you man. Like I said, you will notice when it starts to lose some power, it's not a HUGE drastic like OMG change, but you will be like "hmm, not as hot for some reason."

Honestly, and it's nothing particularly against you, the OP, but I'm so sick of the battery complaint when it comes to actives. Just as pointless, IMO, as the argument that the guitar's body/neck woods make no difference when you have EMGs...give me a break. :rolleyes: I've had tons of guitars with passives and switched to EMG and the woods do come through just like with passives.

As for your maple bodied guitar, Chryst, I would recommend something DARK. If going active, an 85 in the bridge.


Do you know of any that aren't active? I want a passive loaded guit cause every other guitar I own as EMGizzles.

I have a custom wound EVH pickup from Duncan. I just found it in my stash box. Might that work well? I'm a pickup noob as I have used 81's for so long.
Listened to some of the BK clips and none of them really impressed me, not for what I was looking for anyways, and they were in fact pricey.

I know the battery thing is dumb, that's why I called it a stupid phobia, but I know I'll keep thinking about it all the time. If the custom will do the trick then I'll go with that, it's not very expensive at all, and passives do just fine for me, and now I might have found a buyer for my EMGs anyways. I really appreciate all the input you guys have provided. I'm gonna have to go and test some guitars with different types of pickups in them and see what I like the best.
Fo sho.

Chryst: I have no idea about that one, I don't say up on passives too much in the last few years since I'm an EMG whore. Hopefully somebody that's into passives will chime in on a good one that'll be dark enough to balance the maple body.

Fo sho.

Chryst: I have no idea about that one, I don't say up on passives too much in the last few years since I'm an EMG whore. Hopefully somebody that's into passives will chime in on a good one that'll be dark enough to balance the maple body.


Das coo. I got the same 'itis myself haha. Yeah this fiddle needs the dark meat, lest my cochlea cries in sheer pain from all the screaming high end.


This is the fiddle


Sorry to Hijack OP. :loco:
Am I crazy or is there no selector switch? It has two pickups in it...are they blended the entire time or wut?
