Need new pickups...


New Metal Member
May 22, 2012
Minas Morgul
I'm going to switch out the pickups in my Dean VMNT, their rusted as hell and to be honest I've never liked the sound of the bridge pickup at all so now is the time to switch em out... For those of you that don't know its Mahogany body/through neck and an ebony fingerboard, I was thinking the JH EMG's would look nice in the guitar but I have no idea what they sound like, or maybe a JB/Jazz set but those might sound to close to the current ones...

What I don't like about the pickups, their to "even" sounding as in they have no character and no matter how hard I try I can't get them to sound tight enough. I mainly play thrash/death metal...
Damn those are some interesting pickups, I wish I had the money to try them all but I don't :(

Which one of there neck pickups would be good for jazzy cleans like Opeth/Cynic but still be good for leads? And how much do they cost?

Hey Man, hit him up and work with him on exactly the sound you want his sets are super reasonably priced. They are not inflated like other boutique winders. And he understands gain.

Email him and tell him John Decoy refered you. He will hook you up. And if you're not happy at first he will adjust the wind until you are. Again Duncans are great but boutique is the way to go to tailor your own tone.
Hey Man, hit him up and work with him on exactly the sound you want his sets are super reasonably priced. They are not inflated like other boutique winders. And he understands gain.

Email him and tell him John Decoy refered you. He will hook you up. And if you're not happy at first he will adjust the wind until you are. Again Duncans are great but boutique is the way to go to tailor your own tone.

You know what, ill do this for my next guitar, a Jackson KV2, which is essentially my dream guitar :D
Okay so before changing pickups I want to know if any of you can identify this problem with my guitar, its a stock Dean VMNT with the livewire pickups and when I palm mute the sound is pretty much gone, as if I had a noise gate set to high but I have it completely turned off and still have a OD808 with level/tone max and gain on 0 and the gain is on 10 on my amp, the sound I get is super undergained, like not even close to the Holy Divers in my other guitar which makes no sense at all, and there's basically no bass or power in the sound, if I turn the bass up the sound just starts "buzzing"

I've tried changing batteries, checking the wiring etc and it looks completely fine, the problem is similar to when my jack breaks on the other guitar but before the last time I played the VMNT, it worked fine and I never touched it for 3-4 months, and now I get this sound...
Try using a little bit of contact cleaner on the output jack, had to do that recently on 2 guitars I have at home.

And for pickups...I would choose duncan sh 6 or 5 on the bridge and sh2 for the neck. But maybe it's just personal taste. I think the duncan distortion should balance the mahogany low mids nicely.
I got the Distortions and I missed my "Duncan Designed" pups a little (HB103 I think..also note that he didn't use those for long lol but they're cheap). Ola Englund was using the Designed one time & I really liked it for riffs & had almost a DJent kinda sound. Distortions cover more ground though. Been talking with my son trying to figure out what to put in his guitar, might get a Crunch Lab. The JB is a good neck pup. I've heard similar sounds from PAF Pros, but the JB cuts through a little more. It's hard to find that happy medium for me because I like so many different kinds of music.
Try using a little bit of contact cleaner on the output jack, had to do that recently on 2 guitars I have at home.

And for pickups...I would choose duncan sh 6 or 5 on the bridge and sh2 for the neck. But maybe it's just personal taste. I think the duncan distortion should balance the mahogany low mids nicely.

The SH-2 is my favorite neck pickup ever, one of the guitarist in Suffocation uses the Distortion so i'm probably going to go with that.